You see right though! Only a week and a 1/2 before our beloved Jekka goes off to Japan with Chris and the rest of the mission crew! She's sent me a few pictures of her mission group and I'll post them at the end of the blog. If you have pictures that you'd like to post from Jekka, is where you should send them!! We'll get them posted for ya!!
There were originally only three sisters going to Japan, but now there are two more in the group who aren't in the pictures!
Sister McIntire is half Japanese and so she grew up in Tokyo for a bit before moving to the US for a few more years before going back to attend High School there. Her dad is the mission president of Kobe. She came to the MTC to learn the gospel doctrine in English and learn how to teach. Since she's already fluent in Japanese, she'll leave with Jekka and the others.
Campos Shimai is from Las Vegas and is also going to japan. We don't know much about her other than she is a skinny little bean pole and has a missionary friend in Minnesota whom she is writing.
Sister Shipp is from Salt Lake City and was a friend with one of the teachers. She's headed to Tokyo with Jekka! She spent a semester at BYU Jerusalem for a while as well and loved it!
So those are the new sisters that Jekka is getting along with so well. Jekka also had a rather Girly Girl moment taking the time to go to a Make up class!!! Can you believe that? Oh how Jenni will have a fit about that. Jekka's companion Betagnole Shimai apparently from the experience made a scale of girly girl-ness for those of you who didn't know how girly girl you are:
On a scale from 1-10... 10 being the girliest one could ever be. Changing clothing outfits at least 3 times a day by doing so also changing make up and hair. Everytime a girly girl comes across a mirror she has to stop, examine and fix hair and clothes reapplying make up. This girly girl also has a boyfriend or wants one so bad she goes out of her way to find one. When around boys they are flirty giggly, and "playful" hitting the guys arms at a passing joke. They had the outdoors with a passion afraid to get wet or dirty.
Then there's the complete opposite. These girls only buy boy clothing and wear them, even to the extent of boxers. They never wear make up and they don't care how they look. They like the outdoors and thrive on intense physical activities. Basically full core Tom Boy. Their only acknowledgment to their gender would be using the woman's restroom.
Chris and Jekka laughed at this and have come to the conclusion that Jekka is a 3 and if she ever went past a 5 he would have to take measures (I'm sure Jenni would too) to correct her personality. Jessica promised that she would always remain faithful to a 3 maybe just touching the 4 while she's on her mission, but thrives on being a 3. However, I think that someday Mastah Tori and I will have a bit of fun making her a 5 one day.... maybe higher. :) *evil grin*
In Jekka's classroom they have a new edition to the family. A gnome. That's right, a gnome. There is no name for this gnome yet, but I'm sure one will soon arise before they depart for Japan. A few new words from both Chris and Jekka will be posted up in the Japanese word column soon. She and Chris should be getting their flight plans soon as well so we will expect that as soon as possible! Keep us posted. I promise to update more often! Sorry for the dely in posting!! Next letter I will post a picture of some Katakana as well with Romani. :) Then you'll know some Japanese!

From left to right. Of course, Jekka in her pretty blue shirt. Then Sister Bertagnole and Sister Glenn on the far right.

At the World Map in the Main building trying to point to Japan.
Sendai - Hamzawi Choro, Stewart Choro, and Dobutsu
Tokyo - Jekka, Dean Choro, Fryer Choro and Bertagnole Shimai
Kobe - Glenn shimai, Burton Choro, Shepley Choro and Chris

Her District (27 B) at the Provo Temple on P-Day

from left to right: Burton, Fryer, Shepley, Peterson (aka dobutsu), Chris, Hamzawi, Fryer and Stewart Chorotachi.
1 comment:
Hahaha! If you meant me, I'm definitely up to the challenge. I'll need your help, though. I've already got some ideas up my sleeve... ;)
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