Thursday, October 9, 2008

Jones Shimai

"Man, this computer is weird! Holy cow! I keep hitting a key that makes it into Japanese so everything goes all weird, but I'll manage somehow.

So, yes, I am alive. And It's going great. Well, mainly riding our bikes around and knocking on doors because we don't have any progressing investigators so far. We did teach three Chinese college students on Monday and we'll most likely see them tonight at Eikaiwa (English class) and may try to set up another appointment so we can teach them some more. Also, two days ago while we were tracting, we stopped a Korean girl and we got talking with her (Well, Sister Kawano, I just stood there and interjected with my limited Nihongo). The conversation got really intense to the point where Kawano Shimai was teaching the first lesson, the restoration, and I was whipping out pictures of Joseph Smith and President Monson. It was awesome. We also gave her a Book of Mormon and I'm really hoping that she'll call us sometime and come with us to general conference this Sunday. I really hope she does. It was so cool and so exciting. so, yeah, on your part, please pray for her! Her name is Aki San (she's from Korea).

So, other than experiencing riding my bike in the rain, eating REAL Ramen, Octopus and killing my first gokiburi (cockroach) it's been going good. It really has been an interesting experience. NO, I'm not fluent yet. Far from it actually, but yesterday was a really fruitful day in that I stopped a lot of people and I talked to a few people today. I find that especially when tracting I get more and more confident with stopping and talking to people. But, I have far to go. My current goal is to try to have somewhat of a conversation even if I don't get around to the gospel. I just need to talk to people.

A quick spiritual thing: because Kawano Shimai is trying to learn English, she passes off the lessons to me. well, yesterday she did lesson three which is the gospel of Jesus Christ and she shared a couple scriptures about faith and that was when it really hit me of what faith really is. It's seeing with your heart rather than your eyes. This statement makes a lot of sense when you think about why some people don't think there's a God. How can you believe in something you can't see? So, with that in mind, faith is seeing with your heart. When you feel warm inside, that's your heart catching a little glimpse of what God is like. It was a very insightful thing to me.

So, my companion. You probably want to know more about her. She's so freaking awesome!!! She's so pimp! I say it that way because freaking and pimp are her favorite words. She says them all the time and it's so funny. She'll be practicing teaching a lesson and she'll say, I want to share a freaking good scripture. It's so funny! She's so awesome and she loves taking pictures. Yeah, it's great fun.

It really is hard to say how missionary work feels. It doesn't feel very strenuous right not but I can expect it will be. My current frustration is that I want to talk to people but I get only so far and then I don't know how to say anymore. Yeah, I need to just talk and slaughter the language but I'm trying. And one thing that holds me back is that they are so polite and I don't want to offend them. Even though I'm a gaigokujin (foreigner) and can get away with it, I don't want to. Especially in Yamate where there's an international school and so gaigokujin's are somewhat of a common sight. But, I'll keep trying! Don't worry! And I'll try to keep you posted on more things that are going on. Hopefully this next week we'll be able to teach more lessons and get some people to come to church. That would be very nice. So, I'll keep you posted.

Conference is this week due to translation, but I'll still be able to watch it in English. So that's nice.

Until next week, I love you all! So, yeah, that's about all! I love you! The church is true and we can all do a little something to become more like Christ and make the world a better place! Love you!

Jekka Jones/Ba-da-bug!"

If you'd like to write to Jones Choro Chris, his address is as below-
Japan Kobe Mission
4-6-28 Shinohara-Honmachi Nada-Ku
Kobe-Shi, Hyogo 657-0067

As for Jones Shimai Jekka-
Japan Tokyo Mission
4-25-12 Nishi Ochiai
Tokyo-to 161-0031

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As far as I know, yes. You'll write Sister Jessica Jones and then the address underneath it like you would here. . . but then again, I could be wrong. You could ask the post office people, they tend to be nice.