So, a long time ago I got a series recommendation from the EPG Minion Fiend to read The Years of Merlin by T.A. Barron. Well, they sounded fascinating so I added it to my ever growing list of books to read. Alas, I kind of forgot about it until today when I went into the SUU bookstore.
They have Books III and V on the dollar shelf.
So, I'm torn right now. Do I buy them or not? If I buy them, then I would be inclined to seek out the rest of the series. And because these are hardback, I, of course, would want to get the rest of them in hardback. Just because I'm OCB (Obsessive-complusive Bookworm).
So, that is my current dilemma. And its midterms and I have a test in practically every single class until next Wednesday. Luckily, I got two of the five out of the way BUT the one I'm most nervous for is this Thursday and I'm quite nervous for it.
Plus I'm trying to type up a short project I did but the more I type it up, the more I realize I didn't do that great of a job on thinking it up in the first place. But, we didn't have that much time anyways so I hope I get at least a decent score on it. don't you hate that? You didn't procrastinate at all but you still don't have enough time to do it so it feels like a half-job? Luckily, it's not my real project. That will be much better.
Well, that's all for now. I got pictures from a super awesome hike I did last Saturday (alas, I missed the first session of Conference but it was so worth it) and I'll post a few of the fun ones later. Hopefully tomorrow. My goal is tomorrow.
Until then, I will keep stewing about this book series and let you know what happens. Tally ho!