Okay, not so much as play, but I do get to handle them and it makes for quite the every-day adventure. Plus, the Elvish pirate gypsy minion fiend and I have been going on a Lord of the Rings spree. We just finished the Return of the King last night. Amazing.
So, I have some pictures to show!!! Fiend, her hubby, Mom and I went to this Falconry festival that one of the co-worker's husband does. Basically, amateur falconers bring their birds, race them, and then put them in a roped off area for everyone else to check out. It was really cool to walk around and look at all of the different falcons, hawks, and owls. My co-worker's husband brought their golden eagle to show off. That was a magnificent bird. So, here's some pictures of my favorites!
This is Little Jack, a Richardson's Merlin. he was my favorite and his owner actually let us touch him. He was so cute!
So, yeah, that was the Winterfest. I had a blast.