Thursday, January 26, 2012


Sooo, I just realized that I love my job. Not only do I get to hang out and goof off with kids, but I get to play with animals.

Okay, not so much as play, but I do get to handle them and it makes for quite the every-day adventure. Plus, the Elvish pirate gypsy minion fiend and I have been going on a Lord of the Rings spree. We just finished the Return of the King last night. Amazing.

So, I have some pictures to show!!! Fiend, her hubby, Mom and I went to this Falconry festival that one of the co-worker's husband does. Basically, amateur falconers bring their birds, race them, and then put them in a roped off area for everyone else to check out. It was really cool to walk around and look at all of the different falcons, hawks, and owls. My co-worker's husband brought their golden eagle to show off. That was a magnificent bird. So, here's some pictures of my favorites!This was just a good shot of an adult peregrine falcon.

I love this picture. In the center is a red-tailed hawk trying to fly away, and on the right is a harris hawk face-planting it because its tethered to its perch (like all of the birds).

Here is gyrfalcon, which is the falcon of kings. Meaning, only kings owned this type of raptor.

Here is the golden eagle showing off her wingspan. You can kind of get a good idea of the size of this bird from the picture, but in person....that is one big set of wings.

This is Little Jack, a Richardson's Merlin. he was my favorite and his owner actually let us touch him. He was so cute!

So, yeah, that was the Winterfest. I had a blast.

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