Saturday, April 14, 2007

Curse musicals....

Yesterday, I had the wonderful opportunity to see Into the Woods, and now I have the songs stuck in my head. Such a wonderful and funny play, and what's more is that I had seen it before at Peteetneet in Payson (my two cousins were Rapunzel and Cinderella), but I only saw the first act. I never knew there was a second act filled with death, mayhem, affairs, and just plain more humor! It was amazing and I loved it! I would dearly love to see it again, but alas I am going home this weekend and so I will not be able to see it again.
Lucky for me, my roommate had ordered the CD, so once she gets it....MUAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Actually, there's no sneaky stealing of the music involved. She needs me to download it onto my computer so that she can then put it on hers becuase her laptop DVD drive doesn't read CDs.
Oh Oh, and I'm expecting a book this weekend! Wizard's Castle! Yay!!
Two more weeks...well, three, counting finals....but I prefer two. It's smaller....

1 comment:

Debbie Barr said...

YAY! And guess WHAT? I'm going to go see Wicked on tour! I'm so so so so so flippin excited! YAY!