Tuesday, April 10, 2007

There's no place like home....

*sigh* I went home for Easter Break (Thank you local catholic churches!), and it was wonderful. Not only did I accomplish much by writing another paragraph in my story, but I read Matilda too. It's such a wonderful book. Roald Dahl is an amazing writer. So is Calvin and Hobbes. Everything you need to learn you can learn from Calvin and Hobbes. True statement that. . . .And now, I'm back in Cedar City, trying to keep my insanity intact long enough to make through the last three weeks of classes and finals. *sigh* Where's my book. . . .


Your Name said...

*is reading jekka's stolen book* Hehehehehe. . .no book for jekka. no relief from finals!!!

Debbie Barr said...

It'll be okay Jekka!!!!!

Jekka Goaty Senoj said...

Mastah! Jenni stole my book! Make her give it back! *sniffles* I want to read!