Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Of Kitties and Pigs

So, I have Midnight sleeping on the couch next to me. She used to not do that before, either chilling on the floor or the back of the couch, but i kind of like it. She's in petting distance and it's like snuggling without really snuggling. So, yeah, I really like it.

I went and bought The Red Pyramid yesterday. I'm looking forward to reading it, but I have to finish Warbreaker first. That's a pretty good book by the way. I recommend it to all you fantasy fans.

but Mistborn is by far the awesome-est!

so, I've noticed a mistranslation I always do. in japanese the swine flu is called "buta flu" which literally translates to pig flu. So, when a conversation comes up about buta flu, I naturally say pig flu. In return, I get confused looks and "Pig flu? Don't you mean swine flu?"

Dunno, in my book Pig sounds better. But, that's me: the returned missionary from Nihon.

So. . .Mother's Day talked to Jones chourou and Webster chourou. That was pretty fun. I also begged for some goman dressing from jones chourou. I miss that stuff. I don't care for salad dressing but that is seriously the best. I'm going to hog it like I'm currently hogging The Red Pyramid. I feel kinda bad. Steph doesn't know I have it and she's itching to read it. But, when I'm done she can have it then.

So, yeah, all this random update thingies brought to you by. . .JEKKA GOATY SENOJ!!!

boop, bleep. blawp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Swing Flu, Pig Flu.... same thing. I mean, what is a pig? A swine, no? It is also known as the H1N1 virus, but my friends little boy who can read, calls it the Hini (High-knee) flu. So far, that's stuck the most over here. :)