Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sadistic Parents

I have sadistic parents. I think it's because BOTH of them are EMT's.

(Brief Explanation: EMT= Emergency Medical Technician. They're the people that get to the scene before the Ambulance, take care of the victim as best they can, and basically get all info ready for the paramedics)

So, it's wednesday night and my parents walk in from an EMS meeting down at town office. I'm in the kitchen, minding my own business and trying to fit leftovers into our overflowing fridge when Dad walks up to me.

"Hey, Jekka, look at this!" says he.

I turn to look, thinking it's a cookie or some nifty gadget Dad found at the meeting. well, my second thought was right. It was a gadget, but a sadistic gadget. He was holding a shot. Basically, it's the needle and tube that stick out of your veins. And on top of it, Mom was holding another needle and had that thirsty glint to jab that length of silver in some poor victims vein.

Don't worry, I armed myself with a dirty frying pan and kept the fridge door between me and my parents until they put the needles down.

I didn't sleep well last night either. No joke. I was afraid they would stick me in my sleep.

the needles are still on the kitchen table, in plain view. It's quite scary. So, my advice to all of america today: Don't have BOTH parents become EMT's. that equals an increased fear of being poked by needles and many sleepless nights.

So that's all. BEWARE OF NEEDLES!!

mata, chuugokujin, yamete kudasai. honto ni watashi wa chuugokugo ga mattaku wakaranai shi yomemasen! eigo ka nihongo de comment wo kaite kudasai! arigatou gozaimasu.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Jekka. I love your parents. I miss them so much. I can't wait for you to come out and visit me!! It is going to be a blast. *huggles to the point of suffication* You're the best!