Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I'm not dead yet! I think I will go for a walk! I feel happy! I feel happy!

Seriously, folks, I'm not dead, I'm just enslaved by the evil textbooks and reports until May 2011.

So, how's that all going? How's cell/molec and ornithology doing? cell/molec is still listed as unspeakable for good reasons, but ornithology is by far my favorite class. I love it. It's so much fun. Although we had a quiz today and I think I failed it miserably. But, it was one of those days-weeks. I don't want to study. In fact, I refuse to study today. I took a nice long nap, figured out rides with brothers and friends for this extra-day weekend ahead of us.

not to be confused with Extra-pair copulations, but we won't go there shall we?

Biology World: *gasp* Jekka! You didn't just say that?!

That's how nerdy I am. Curse you Darwin!

So, I'm still reading harry potter, still working on my secret project for mother's day. Now mom's going to badger me about but I ain't saying a word! nope! not one!

Writing? ha ha! It's not happening. I'm hitting the sick-on-being-on-the-computer-all-day-so-I-don't-want-to-have-anything-to-do-with-it syndrome. That's why I'm looking forward to having no school. I'll actually want to write again. Although, my goal for this extra-day weekend to at least do a bit of writing even if it kills me. I kinda hope it does. Nothing like getting killed by your own story to make your day, eh?

Well, I'm off to post on Mandi's blog. She's leaving very soon now for Japan, so I'm going to have to do something about that. Curse school!

Ta ta! Not TATA, but Ta ta!

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