Saturday, August 21, 2010

Moving Day

I seriously hate moving. It's always like "What do I need?" "I've packed way too many things but I have a sneaky feeling that I didn't pack enough" and "Where do I put all this crap in the limited space provided by the apartment."

Seriously, it sucks. And what's more is that I forgot my beloved goaties!!! They're at home wrecking havoc on my dolphin figurines and no doubt taunting Midnight and Peej. Well, I'll be home in a couple of weeks, maybe, so I'll get them then.

But, yeah, I don't like moving. It sucks. But I'm here in Cedar City reading Fruits Basket until I fall asleep in my rather comfortable bed. I'm such a boy. All I have is a sheet and a blanket, but that's all I really need. Going on a mission, and to Nihon of all places, kinda makes you live off the bare necessities with pleasure. Seriously, I'd sleep in a mummy bag on the bed if Mom hadn't been around to stop me.

Sasuga helicopter mom. Everyone give her a round of applause. yeah, that's right! Okaasan, otsukaresama desu! And give a big clap for Father Time, who works his but off to pay for my college tuition and apartment. But not mine alone but Mother's and Chris's tuition and housing as well. Not to mention transportation, fun, food, and heating.

Gosh, aren't parents great? Especially when they care more about family than their personal image.

Well, that's all for now. I'm going to see how many people are reading this by doing something crazy.



Debbie Barr said...

:( I miss you!

But I'm glad you're settling in. Please do let me know when you guys are back in town so I can visit!

Your Name said...

Yup. Parents are amazing. Specially mine--and not forgetting your mom and dad as my second parents too :)

And moving sucks--I've moved a lot to come to that realization.

but it can be awesome too. It's adventurous and new and fun, so enjoy yourself, sleep on the floor if you want :)

Your Name said...

Something crazy like changing your blog background? >:D

Anonymous said...

I love your mom. Your blog looks like dirt. I like it. ^_^

Jekka Goaty Senoj said...

What can I say? I like dirt. :D