Wednesday, November 24, 2010

And in the forecast: TURKEY!!!

So, I'm home and I have ABSOLUTELY NO HOMEWORK!!! Yep, I finished it all and it's wonderful!

So, I saw Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on Saturday. I greatly enjoyed it. It made me want to read the book again, but I think I'll reread the series again, starting January next year. Or just forget all of them and read #7. dunno. I'll think about that and let you know.

Book update: finished reading Seeing Redd and got started on Archenemy. So far, it's way intense and I'm not even 30 pages into it!

So, I have a latest addition to my little animal friends. His name is Lord Byron, and he is a little black and green snake about 5 inches long. I found him alone and cold in the parking lot of my apartment. So I brought him in and stuck him on top of my dresser, well away from my three little goaties. You see, him being a snake, I figured he might try to harm my little goaties so he's isolated from them.

Unless he gets smart and jumps from the dresser to my bed and then slithers over to them. Gosh, I hope that doesn't happen. Granted, I just found the little guy so I don't know what kind of character he is, but if he turns out to be less innocent than he appears, my goaties just might have an archnemesis. *gasp*

If I end up getting some sort of story idea out of this, I will totally let you all know. you all being anyone and anybody that reads this blog.

Sooooo, yeah, that's about it. . . .oh. SUU totally cancelled classes yesterday because of the blizzard that was coming. It was pretty sweet, but hectic at the same time. CB and I were running around everywhere trying to get our stuff together so we could leave. Needless to say we got four flat tires, CB got dragged off by arctic wolves, and the rest of us got attacked by rabid prairie dogs and ravenous ravens. it was quite the ordeal. It wasn't until it started snowing that we were able to rescue and piece Chris back together, chop down a tree and fashion skis for the car and get on our way before there was twenty feet of snow on the ground. Trust me, it was pretty intense.

Well, that's all. Happy Thanksgiving!! *gobble gobble*

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