Friday, January 7, 2011

The Wiggly Giggly Unicorn Under the Stairs

The title has nothing to do with what I am currently thinking. In fact, I'm not really thinking at all. I'm just hanging out at the counter, typing, waiting for my baked potato to finish (I have been craving one for the past couple of days), and trying to decide if I want to read Harry Potter or type up more of my story.

As the Father Lord just said, "Errrr, ruckum shmuckums!"

So you know, that's as deep as this post is going to get. No post on Sundays! Hee!

I should write, but I also really want to read. I know half of you are yelling, "go write you silly! how are you going to publish it if you don't finish it?!"

Answer: Technically, it is finished, I'm just typing it up because a lot of editors and publishers want the full manuscript, either that or the first fifty pages. I wrote it first in a notebook because that's what I wanted to do, but now I'm typing it up and fixing a lot of things.

The other half of you are yelling, "Stop dilly-daddling and make a decision already! If you want to read Harry Potter then go read it!"

Answer: But I should write. . . .

See, this is how I end up doing nothing with my free time. I can't make a decision and next thing I know, I'm being attacked by giggling unicorns and stalked by Midnight Furies demanding a belly-rubbing. So, I'll figure something out. . .


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