Sunday, April 29, 2007


Well, I survived all my classes, and now I have to make it through finals. I forgot how difficult it is to motivate yourself to study when all you want to do is play. It's such beautiful weather in cedar city and I want to go hiking way bad, but I haven't done an ounce of studying, and if I want to do good I need to study. *sigh* I miss the good old days in high school when I didn't have to study very hard and I did good on the tests.

A plus side: I get to go see the midnight showing of Spiderman 3!!! Sorry, Mastah and Fiend, but I need to do something to celebrate the end of finals!!!

Another note, my dear cousin, who we've done everything together and called each other JATH Twins (Joined At The Hip Twins) got married. I'm happy for her and all, but I feel like I'm being left behind. I know I'll get married. Shoot, I admit marriage would be fun, but not right now. That step is the last thing I want to do right now and now my best friend got married! I always thought that we would get married around the same time, but clearly that was wishful thinking. However, I know that a silly thing like marriage won't destroy our friendship, but it has changed it for the time being. I hope that I won't feel this way once I "catch up" further along the trail in life. My first year at college, I thought it was strange that girls my age (18 years) were getting married, but it didn't really affect me. I always figured, "Hey, if you feel that your ready, then go ahead. As for me, I'm not so stay away boys!" But with Cassie getting married, and at 18, it was as if I was getting married. I didn't know what to think! it was so weird! So bizarre! All the more reason to steer clear of boys, especially the searching ones (they're the scariest)! I want to enjoy life right now, I'll have all eternity to goof off with my hubby, whoever that'll be....Now's the time to, heh heh, get into trouble....*devilish grin and runs off*

Whew, I feel much better. Ranting and raving is so relieving . . . no alliteration intended . . . .


Debbie Barr said...

Yay for surviving your classes! And I have a friend that's getting married this summer... you don't know her though.

On the plus side, Jekka dearest, maybe you and I will get married around the same time *cough cough*. And then you won't feel so bad. Urg. I don't want to think about that right now. *dry heaves*

Your Name said...

Yup. You and debbie get married at the same time. As for myself, I'm content to be a hermit and haunt the castlehouse woods.