So, Me, Mandi, Chris, and my other roommate Kayleigh just got back from seeing Bourne Ultimatum. All I can say is:
Man, other than Lord of the Rings, that trilogy is the best trilogy I've ever seen!!!! Holy Cow!!! It's so cool! Action, suspense, and the constant question of "How is Bourne gonna get out of this one now?"
Man, if ever I'm in need of a good spy movie those are the ones to watch! It's so cool!
Not to mention, I want the soundtrack. That was an amazing soundtrack. And they played the same end theme for this one as the second one, and maybe the first movie but I don't remember. It looks like I'll have to have a Bourne marathon along with Lord of the Rings! ;D
Well, I'm off to bed. A big day ahead of me y'know, learning about the gospel and hunting down people to say prayers and give a thought and play the music at ward prayer.