Just today, at 4:00 pm, a hummingbird was trapped in the Jones' garage. The poor little birdy could not penetrate the glass window that separated it from the safe, open skies. Luckily for the innocent little hummer, Nathan Jones, age 10, had noticed its predicament when entering the garage after a long, but enjoyable day at school, and raced into his father's office. After telling his father, Richard Jones, age 24, about the bird, Richard Jones took it upon himself, as a citizen of Elk Ridge and Protector of all unfortunate animals, to rescue the bird from the dark and plaster walls of the garage. Unfortunately, humans cannot speak the lyrical language of Birds, and so Richard Jones had to offer the hummingbird his finger, and wait until the tiny bird perched upon it. However, the bird, already frightened of the dark garage and scary machines that we humans use for transportation, repeatedly flew off of his finger and back to the window. It took many tries, each time Richard Jones walked farther and farther from the window, until the bird stayed on his finger until he was standing right outside the garage. Then, seeing the open skies above and the next door neighbors' trees beyond, the bird took off with a hum of its petite wings and flew to the top of the nearest tree, happy to be free once again.
The citizens of the Hummingbird Community and Elk Ridge, and, most of all, the nature-loving Jekka Goat Senoj wish to express their upmost gratitude to Richard Jones, and hereby award him this Medallion of Good Deeds:

Thank you, Richard Jones, for saving the Hummingbird's life. May all your chocolate stashes be filled with peppermint patties!
Signing off, Jekka Goat Senoj
Lol! That is sooo awesome. How did he get it to perch on his finger?
Ooooooooooh. Delicious Medallions.
And EPG, I'm wondering the same thing! I frankly think it would be the coolest thing ever to have a hummingbird perched on your finger.
Wow, I had no idea your dad was so young! ;)
That's way cool. I always loved it when hummingbirds would fly just outside the window of the bakery. It always made my day better.
Dad had to hold his finger right under the hummingbird, like he was offering a perch so the bird would sit on it. If you hold still, a hummingbird would sit on your finger while it drinks from the feeder. I almost did it once before, but I moved before it could completely sit on my finger.
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