Monday, September 17, 2007

Long time no post

So I realized that anyone who doesn't believe that America, let alone the world, is becoming more and more corrupted should just walk into their local video rental store. Man, there's so many horrible movies, that I close my eyes sometimes when I return movies just so I don't look at them. This isn't something I've realized just recently, I've noticed during the three years I've worked at Hollywood Video how bad things are getting. Some of the movies that sit on those shelves make me wonder how they even were made into a DVD to be sold! I mean, over half of the movies in that store are ones that definitly went straight to DVD, but they should have never been made! Normally, I get irked when people misplace movies, or turn the scary-looking ones upside down, but there's a new movie called Pervert (yeah, a movie that should have NEVER BEEN MADE!!!) and whenever I look at it, I put movies in front of it. It's so offensive! That, so to speak, is the straw that broke the camel's back. From now on, I'm just going to stay in the kid's section, where the movies are happy and clean. If people get annoyed with me then that's their problem. I may be in this world, but I sure will not be of it!

Classes going on, same as usual. Last thursday, I had my first O-chem lab. Let me tell you, I was getting high off those fumes we were combining. Whooee (however that would be spelled), I was starting to feel out of it, dizzy, and my fingers started tingling. It was quite the adventure. If every single lab is like that, I think I'm going to be even more loopy than normal. You know, killing off brain cells that aren't there. Mandi squelched my brain out of my head at the start of school, so at least that's safe. I'll just have to get it back from her before she loses it. You have to keep a close eye on my brain because it likes to wander off. I know, Fiend, it's too little to be out on its own but it's a determined little thing, and likes to wander.

Which, come to realize, I'm in an interesting state. Here's why:
Mastah has my soul
The Elvish Pirate Gypsy Minion Fiend has my mind
Mandi has my brain, and when it's in my possession it's wandering about aimlessly

Life is tough, but that's why we have chocolate chip cookies!!!!


Your Name said...

Oh yay! Cookies!! ^-^

And you can't have your mind back. Tis new and shiny and unused.

I like little kid movies too. Beauty and the Beast has got to be in my top ten...and Mulan.

Debbie Barr said...

_ -
. .

Debbie Barr said...

argh, that didn't work. Picture me with my eyebrow raised

Lizardbreath McGee said...

Yay! Chocolate chip cookies!

