Monday, December 6, 2010

It's alive?

Either my water bottle is alive or there's something living in the tap water of Cedar City, Utah. Some nights I hear scratching noises coming from the "Never Thrist" aluminum bottle by my head. Other times it's little pops like big pieces of pop rocks going off in your mouth.

And right now it's letting off puffs of. . .something. . . .

I think it's farting. . . .

tonikaku, it's alive. Somehow. . . .

I also saw two white cherokees today. TWO! That's DOUBLE the bad luck, bad ju-ju! I'm really concerned for what that'll turn out to be. And I saw both of them within ten minutes of each other! Scary!

For those of you who don't know: white jeep cherokees are bad luck. It started on the first jeep trail I ever went on. We were stuck behind a white cherokee the entire way and they treated ever. single. pebble/stick as a ginormous obstacle (wow, ginormous is a word!). At first, my family and I would make fun of them. But then weird things started happening. Traffic jams. Cars falling a part. Failing tests. Almost getting hit by a car.

So, we realized that they are bad luck. And I crossed the path of two of them! *cries* I'm nervous.

Although, I'm playing solitaire right now and I keep losing. Not a big deal because I'm playing it to cool down my over-worked brain before bedtime (and exhaust it further so it'll stay quiet tonight).

Okay, that's all. Toodles!

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Anonymous said...