Friday, December 3, 2010

Lies and False Advertisement

So, I'm normally a happy person and I hate getting mad or annoyed, so when I do it's pretty serious. And I just got even more annoyed with the SUU Bookstore. I found out how they do their buyback stuff.

So, if the bookstore is buying it from you to put back on the shelves downstairs, then it's 50-60% buyback price. BUT if it's going into storage, or they're sending it back to the retailer, then it's 25% buyback price. I was so annoyed when I heard this. That's false advertisement! No wonder why more and more students are turning to the internet to get books and stuff. At least you can sell it yourself for a better price.

I am going to give a shot at my PE book, and i might just let them have it either way (if they take it that is). But, one thing's for sure, my goal this Christmas is to sell all the textbooks I currently own online. And next semester, I'll just pop into one of the Nutrition classes and offer to sell my clicker for $15, and I'll throw in a set of batteries for good measure.

But, yeah, it just ticked me off. I knew already that I wouldn't get a good deal, but I thought it would at least be better than four dollars for a book I paid 16 for, and $9 on a clicker that I bought brand new (which was $40 by the way). Before the recession, any and every book was bought back at 50%.

Don't worry, I'll calm down. It's Friday, finals is next week, I don't have a final in Mythology anymore because I did the reading, took all of the quizzes, and only missed two days of classes. so, I'm going to relax today and then start the study fest tomorrow. I want a break.

I also saw the second Transformers movie last night. I thought it was good but I hated how much crude humor was in it. I can handle the mom getting high, but not all the sexual references and whatnot. It's just not condusive to the storyline. And the only strong character was Sam and the ex-Section 7 agent. Everyone else wasn't that great.

Well, that's all for now. Lord Byron is behaving himself. He's been chilling on all of my scriptures, and probably reading my book (not Samurai but the one I'm reading right now: The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman).


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