Monday, June 18, 2007

Hot and Muggy

Nifty title, neh? Well, so, yesterday was good ol' Father's Day. The day to tell my Dad how much I love him, how much he means to me, and reflect on all the Daddy-Daughter dates we went on, all the camping trips, all the jeep and hiking trails we have shared, and just plain the crazy time at home when Chris was stealing our milk and Satan's Cat (Midnight) was climbing the drapes. All those lovely memories and what do I do? I. Forget. To. Call. Him. Yes, on Father's Day and miles from home I forget to call my Dad. Actually, the thought crossed my mind and I said to myself, "Self, I need to call Pops and wish him a Happy Father's Day." But instead I get home, fill my rumbling belly, and play a game with Mandi and my newfound/met sister, Sarah, and then watch a movie. I feel so bad! Last year, when I was here kicking around in Memphis, I remembered and I called him, but I forget this year! I called him today and deeply apologized and told him that I owe him cookies big time, but I still feel so bad! I love my dad! I have so much fun with him, and I can't wait to get home so that I can give him his Father's Day gift. I'd tell you what it is, but he may be watching *nervous glances around* So, yeah, I feel bad, and I hope all will be better when I get home. Some people may think it's just Father's Day, but Father's Day is special! Especially for me, I'm so close to my parents, this day is very special.

Anywho, I suggest checking out the Disenchanted Forest put together by the one and only Jenni Ethenielle Edgar Conder. It's awesome! Her painful construction turned out to be magnificent! I likes it! *standing ovation and round of applause*


Debbie Barr said...

*auplaudes with you*

And I bet your Dad will be okay. Dads are really great about not being deeply insulted by day-late cards and Happy Father's Day greetings. I'm guessing he still loves you. :D

Your Name said...

*eats my dad's father's day cookies* I bet your dad doesn't seem to mind that I'm eating all his chocolate.