After four long and patient years, I finally got to see Dream Theater in concert! It was yesterday, July 30, 2007 at the E Center in Salt Lake. I'm so happy! The last time I saw them was when I went to Denver, Co in March of 2003 (I think. I know it was in March). What bliss! What happiness! Dream Theater!! And it was so cool! Two bands went before them but thanks to a rather unlucky mishap--in which I got a flat tire on the freeway, don't worry everything's okay now--we caught only the last two songs of the first band, Into Eternity. I'm not bummed about that, they rather sucked. That band was one of those hard metal bands, with all guitarists and no keyboardist and a lead singer who screams what sounds like troll-speech into the mike. I was rather glad when they said "Good-bye"
Then Redemption came on. They would have sounded better if they had more mikes around the drum set and the technicians actually did their job in making them sound good. I was rather bummed, becuase they're a good band and I like their songs. My one disappointment in the band was that they did not play Sapphire, which not only is the song they are known by but that's their best song. I really wished they had played that.
Then, Dream Theater came on. . . .Oh the bliss! The happiness! The joy! The sore throat I have now from screaming myself hoarse! I was so happy! They played Endless Sacrifice, Dark Eternal Night, The Spirit Carries On, Pull Me Under, Take Me as I am, and a medly at the end of Trial by Tears, One Last Time, In the Name of God, and Octavarium. It was wonderful! It had been such a long time, and the crowd went crazy, but not as crazy as Dave, my adopted brother. He was going all out to make himself seen by the band members and his hard work paid off! At the very end, Mike Portnoy (the drummer) pointed right at Dave and gave him the thumbs up, and then did it agian to him when they were bowing. Yeah, it was amazing. I loved it. I can't wait until they come back, and I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL RUSH!!! NEXT WEEK!!!
Did I get a shirt? Of course! I wouldn't leave a concert without one, especially Dream Theater!! *sigh* I love rock concerts. This was Rock Concert No. 4. My first concert was Rush: Vapor Trails, then Dream Theater: Train of Thought, and then Kamelot: One Cold Winter Night. All were wonderful and amazing, and I can't wait to go to more of theirs.
Blissfully signing off: A fan
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Friday, July 27, 2007
Feeling accomplished
I finally did what I had been meaning to do since summer started: hang up the two pictures I had been wanting to hang, but never went in search of a hammer and nails. Well, they're finally up and I'm happy. One is the lovely depiction of the Castlehouse drawn by Jenni Ethenielle Edgar Conder, and the other is a picture of an indian woman and a wolf that Stephanie picked out for me the last time she was in Moab. They make me happy.
Oh, and for good measure, I had a crazy dream last night in which I was trying to hike Orderville Gulch (a hike I was supposed to do last week but Mother Nature changed those plans with a raging wildfire on the trail) but Voldemort was chasing me and all his death eaters. I managed to get away but I was still in big trouble and so I began to call for Chrestomanci. I knew he was going to come but he was taking a long time, and a voilent storm was blowing all around, threatening to tear apart the child's tiny playhouse (the kind you would find in a day care center). Unfortunately, if Chrestomanci came and saved me from the Death Eater's or not I never found out because I woke up. That always happens to me, I wake up at the exciting moments and so I never find out what happens. Come to think of it, I've never had a dream that finished. . . .
Lazily signing off: Goaty-Floo
Oh, and for good measure, I had a crazy dream last night in which I was trying to hike Orderville Gulch (a hike I was supposed to do last week but Mother Nature changed those plans with a raging wildfire on the trail) but Voldemort was chasing me and all his death eaters. I managed to get away but I was still in big trouble and so I began to call for Chrestomanci. I knew he was going to come but he was taking a long time, and a voilent storm was blowing all around, threatening to tear apart the child's tiny playhouse (the kind you would find in a day care center). Unfortunately, if Chrestomanci came and saved me from the Death Eater's or not I never found out because I woke up. That always happens to me, I wake up at the exciting moments and so I never find out what happens. Come to think of it, I've never had a dream that finished. . . .
Lazily signing off: Goaty-Floo
Monday, July 23, 2007
Concerning Harry Potter Book 7: Finished
I won't say much becuase I don't want to be throttled in my sleep by whoever happens to read this, but I finished Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows no more than an hour ago.
Yes, I loved it.
Yes, it is my favorite book.
And boy do I want to write my story more than ever! I mean, I don't want to try to do anything like try to imitate Rowling's writing style (that's a sure way to spoil a book, imitating an author when it should be your own), but the mood and feel of The Deathly Hallows was similar to my story, specifically the spot that I'm writing at the moment. It was very strange. Just the desperation and hopelessness as Harry *nervously glances around* tries to avoid capture, reminded me a lot of Landon running around Nircana with the seal. There was another point, towards the end where I was really reminded of my book, but I won't elaborate. If you're dying to know, just leave a jeka-bird and I'll explain what part.
All in all, I was deeply amazed by the book. It was awesome! I could almost pick it up again and start all over from the very beginning, but I have learned that re-reading a book right after I just finished it has never worked for me. So, maybe in a week or two or three I'll read it again. As for now, I'll wander around the house for a while, staring vacantly into space and pondering over the stuff I just read, before pulling out my story and attempt to write more.
Signing off in delight, Jekkasa
Yes, I loved it.
Yes, it is my favorite book.
And boy do I want to write my story more than ever! I mean, I don't want to try to do anything like try to imitate Rowling's writing style (that's a sure way to spoil a book, imitating an author when it should be your own), but the mood and feel of The Deathly Hallows was similar to my story, specifically the spot that I'm writing at the moment. It was very strange. Just the desperation and hopelessness as Harry *nervously glances around* tries to avoid capture, reminded me a lot of Landon running around Nircana with the seal. There was another point, towards the end where I was really reminded of my book, but I won't elaborate. If you're dying to know, just leave a jeka-bird and I'll explain what part.
All in all, I was deeply amazed by the book. It was awesome! I could almost pick it up again and start all over from the very beginning, but I have learned that re-reading a book right after I just finished it has never worked for me. So, maybe in a week or two or three I'll read it again. As for now, I'll wander around the house for a while, staring vacantly into space and pondering over the stuff I just read, before pulling out my story and attempt to write more.
Signing off in delight, Jekkasa
Monday, July 16, 2007
New Arrivals!
Tomorrow! Mandi and Joey! They come! We will take them hiking! Down the Subway! And Ordeville Gulch! And then party all week long! And eat cookies! And! And! *squeals with excitement*
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Concerning Harry Potter

I have to agree with the Elvish Pirate Gyspy Minion Fiend, this is my favorite movie of the books yet. It is very well done, and not only is the storyline well done but the music is AWESOME!!! I don't care for the music in the first four movies, it just seemed so. . .happy, in a way. I've found I really like the music as heard in Pirates, Lord of the Rings, and Chronicles of Narnia, and the soundtrack to this falls into that category. It's awesome. Another point of the movie, though Umbridge does not look like a toad, she makes up for it with her cringing pink wardrobe, girly voice, and evil personality! That actress did a great job!
Luna was my favorite. I love her in the book, and she was stupendous in the movie. Bellatrix Lestrange was wicked awesome! As the Dread Pirate Julianna pointed out, she had an awesome cackle that would put any mad witchy cackle attempt to shame.
I apologize for going off like this, I will not spoil or reveal anymore about this movie. . . .
Signing off in a happily wicked way, Jekka Jones
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
It has been returned!
At last! My quill! It has been brought back to me!!
Thank you, Elvish Pirate Gyspy Minion Fiend! Thank you!
Thank you, Elvish Pirate Gyspy Minion Fiend! Thank you!
Monday, July 9, 2007
Leprosy and other things
Well, the Tomato Curse is wearing off. Alas, it is not leaving without a fight. My nose has been peeling like mad, and my arms are starting to also. It looks like leprosy. I'm a leper! Yee hee! Leper-con!
On a brighter note, I'm almost done with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I'm still trying to understand how Harry could be so dim-witted to know that Snape could not acknowledge his warning of "He's got Padfoot!" with the toad lady there. Oh well, he's talking to Grawp right now with a group of lovely centaurs. I should continue reading. . . .
I went with Mastah to Borders to meet Shannon Hale and have her sign my copy of Princess Academy. She is a really enjoyable speaker. She was cracking jokes right and left--mostly about how much she loved Collin Firth from that 6-hr Pride and Prejudice. I was rather lost when she and all the audience began drooling over this "Mr. Darcy" but I entertained myself by examining a spanish-translated copy of Wicked. Also, Mastah never ceases to amaze me, becuase Shannon knows her name! We walk up to the table to get our books signed and she says, "Hi, Debbie!" I was stunned and in total awe. I didn't know who to worship, Mastah or Shannon, but I had to settle with Mastah because I am her minion and she would not have been very much pleased. Still, meeting Shannon Hale, an author, was like meeting. . .I dunno. . .a celebrity or something. . .which she was. She talked about writing too, and so I've resolved to take a leaf out of her book and try to write a certain amount of words per day. That way, as she pointed out, the story is always on your mind instead of just every so often, and setting time limits don't help becuase you can just sit there and twiddle your thumbs. It was wonderful advice and just what I needed to know. So, as a huge plus, Debbie dropped me off at home and I grabbed my story and wrote a page and a half! I was most happy.
Other than that, I have nothing else to post. Yeah, I know, for such an interesting and terrifying title, there's really nothing else to say. Other than: heads up! I'm peeling and flaking like a tree in the autumn! Really, I have nothing much else to say. . . .
Batman rocks!
On a brighter note, I'm almost done with Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I'm still trying to understand how Harry could be so dim-witted to know that Snape could not acknowledge his warning of "He's got Padfoot!" with the toad lady there. Oh well, he's talking to Grawp right now with a group of lovely centaurs. I should continue reading. . . .
I went with Mastah to Borders to meet Shannon Hale and have her sign my copy of Princess Academy. She is a really enjoyable speaker. She was cracking jokes right and left--mostly about how much she loved Collin Firth from that 6-hr Pride and Prejudice. I was rather lost when she and all the audience began drooling over this "Mr. Darcy" but I entertained myself by examining a spanish-translated copy of Wicked. Also, Mastah never ceases to amaze me, becuase Shannon knows her name! We walk up to the table to get our books signed and she says, "Hi, Debbie!" I was stunned and in total awe. I didn't know who to worship, Mastah or Shannon, but I had to settle with Mastah because I am her minion and she would not have been very much pleased. Still, meeting Shannon Hale, an author, was like meeting. . .I dunno. . .a celebrity or something. . .which she was. She talked about writing too, and so I've resolved to take a leaf out of her book and try to write a certain amount of words per day. That way, as she pointed out, the story is always on your mind instead of just every so often, and setting time limits don't help becuase you can just sit there and twiddle your thumbs. It was wonderful advice and just what I needed to know. So, as a huge plus, Debbie dropped me off at home and I grabbed my story and wrote a page and a half! I was most happy.
Other than that, I have nothing else to post. Yeah, I know, for such an interesting and terrifying title, there's really nothing else to say. Other than: heads up! I'm peeling and flaking like a tree in the autumn! Really, I have nothing much else to say. . . .
Batman rocks!
Friday, July 6, 2007
Slip of the Tongue
It is very common for me to mix up my words. Instead of saying, "Nathan's wearing a pink sweater" it'll come out as, "Nathan's wearing a swink peater." Very common. A simple slip. Everyone does it at one time or another.
Well, tonight was a huge exception for me. I mean HUGE! And I have to say that it is becuase I read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for two hours straight (not as long as I wanted but I was at the eye doctor's office with mom and steph for that long).
You can see where this is going, can't you?
Well, my mother, father, pipsqueak brother Nathan, and I were sitting on the couch watching the news when Nathan picked up a DVD case. "The Rock?" he said. "What is this? It sounds stupid." (You see, Mom and I were in the mood to watch it and so she pulled it out so we could. Don't worry, it's edited).
"Nathan," I said. "It's actually a really good movie. It's about two people who are trying to break into Azkaban to rescue some hostages."
Do you see my slip of the tongue? In my defense, I knew exactly what I was talking about (Alcatraz) and anyone could do that. There are a lot of common characteristics of the two high security prisons:

Still, Azkaban and Alcatraz are very similar. The only difference being that Alcatraz is guarded by people, whereas Azkaban (as far as page 451 in Book 5 is concerned) is guarded by nasty dementors; which explains the one escape compared to three, still pretty impressive numbers.
Anyone could have made the slip of the tongue, especially after two and a half hours of anxious reading. Man, I love these books!
Signing off to read, the most notorious and confused Jekka
Well, tonight was a huge exception for me. I mean HUGE! And I have to say that it is becuase I read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for two hours straight (not as long as I wanted but I was at the eye doctor's office with mom and steph for that long).
You can see where this is going, can't you?
Well, my mother, father, pipsqueak brother Nathan, and I were sitting on the couch watching the news when Nathan picked up a DVD case. "The Rock?" he said. "What is this? It sounds stupid." (You see, Mom and I were in the mood to watch it and so she pulled it out so we could. Don't worry, it's edited).
"Nathan," I said. "It's actually a really good movie. It's about two people who are trying to break into Azkaban to rescue some hostages."
Do you see my slip of the tongue? In my defense, I knew exactly what I was talking about (Alcatraz) and anyone could do that. There are a lot of common characteristics of the two high security prisons:

- Secluded rocky island in the San Fransisco Bay
- Surrounded by freezing waters
- High security
- Believed to be inescapable
- Three successful escapes (Correct me if I'm wrong about this. I've never toured Alcatraz, but I watched the movie with Clint Eastwood Escape from Alcatraz)
- Bars in every room

- Secluded rocky island in the North Sea
- Surrounded by freezing and dangerous waters
- High security (who needs cameras when you have dementors?)
- Believed inescapable for the wizarding community
- One successful escape (the mass breakout after You-Know-Who's return does not count)
- Bars in every room
Still, Azkaban and Alcatraz are very similar. The only difference being that Alcatraz is guarded by people, whereas Azkaban (as far as page 451 in Book 5 is concerned) is guarded by nasty dementors; which explains the one escape compared to three, still pretty impressive numbers.
Anyone could have made the slip of the tongue, especially after two and a half hours of anxious reading. Man, I love these books!
Signing off to read, the most notorious and confused Jekka
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
The Tomato Curse
I have been cursed. It is most unfortunate and came about very unexpectedly.
It all began with weeding.
Our garden was quite overgrown with weeds. you know the usual: spikey ones, smooth ones, viney ones, and clumpy ones. Well, my mother, father, and I were attempting to free our tomato plants in the dark of the night when I spotted a small tomato, still green, in the dirt. I did not want to leave it there and allow it even the slightest chance to grow into one of those vile fruits. I did the most satisfactory thing I had ever done. . . .
I threw it into the weed bucket.
Yes, it was a very satisfying thing to do, but little did I know, that as soon as that tomato hit the bottom of the bucket, it unleashed its curse on me. He got help from our dear old Sun who helps all things grow. . .and burn. For the next day, I had gone with Chrissany, her sister and dad to tackle Timpanogas Mountain. In my haste to get out of the door so that we would not be hiking in the heat of the day, I forgot a very vital and important accomodation: sunscreen.
Yes, I forgot to put on sunscreen and the tomato's curse struck me then as we were coming down from the summit. The Sun toasted my arms and face and neck to the point where it hurt to be in the sunlight. It was at this point that I remembered that Tiffany's dad had some sunscreen and I put it on before I could get anymore burned. Still, my arms were a nice ruby red and I knew my face was as well. Luckily, we quickly got into some trees, and for the remainder of the hike we were in the shade so I did not get anymore burned. but still. . .I am cursed.
I have become the very food I hate.
And now, I must stay inside and drink lots of water, while draping cold wet cloths on my arms and face to cool my arms, and smothering my appendages and head with aloe vera. Hooray.
On a brighter note: We saw two mountain goats, some elk, and a moose. Not to mention a ton of bugs and butterflies, especially at the summit of 11, 74 something feet. Also there were a lot of big purple flowers growing above the timberline. I was so amazed that flowers could survive so well in such a habitat as that. it's nothing but loose rocks with spots of dirt! Nature is truly astounding.
Signing off sorely: Jekka the Goat Senoj
It all began with weeding.
Our garden was quite overgrown with weeds. you know the usual: spikey ones, smooth ones, viney ones, and clumpy ones. Well, my mother, father, and I were attempting to free our tomato plants in the dark of the night when I spotted a small tomato, still green, in the dirt. I did not want to leave it there and allow it even the slightest chance to grow into one of those vile fruits. I did the most satisfactory thing I had ever done. . . .
I threw it into the weed bucket.
Yes, it was a very satisfying thing to do, but little did I know, that as soon as that tomato hit the bottom of the bucket, it unleashed its curse on me. He got help from our dear old Sun who helps all things grow. . .and burn. For the next day, I had gone with Chrissany, her sister and dad to tackle Timpanogas Mountain. In my haste to get out of the door so that we would not be hiking in the heat of the day, I forgot a very vital and important accomodation: sunscreen.
Yes, I forgot to put on sunscreen and the tomato's curse struck me then as we were coming down from the summit. The Sun toasted my arms and face and neck to the point where it hurt to be in the sunlight. It was at this point that I remembered that Tiffany's dad had some sunscreen and I put it on before I could get anymore burned. Still, my arms were a nice ruby red and I knew my face was as well. Luckily, we quickly got into some trees, and for the remainder of the hike we were in the shade so I did not get anymore burned. but still. . .I am cursed.
I have become the very food I hate.
And now, I must stay inside and drink lots of water, while draping cold wet cloths on my arms and face to cool my arms, and smothering my appendages and head with aloe vera. Hooray.
On a brighter note: We saw two mountain goats, some elk, and a moose. Not to mention a ton of bugs and butterflies, especially at the summit of 11, 74 something feet. Also there were a lot of big purple flowers growing above the timberline. I was so amazed that flowers could survive so well in such a habitat as that. it's nothing but loose rocks with spots of dirt! Nature is truly astounding.
Signing off sorely: Jekka the Goat Senoj
Monday, July 2, 2007
Concerning Belldandy Mandi
Mandi. . .I don't know what Joey had planned. . . .but I'll tell you this. . .tee hee.
I just got home last night from an exciting week in california, and as we were driving through Spanish Fork, Dad noted that the flag was at half mast. He asked me why it was at half mast and I said that it marked your and Joey's one year anniversary of dating.
Please don't hurt me! I was kidding!!
I just got home last night from an exciting week in california, and as we were driving through Spanish Fork, Dad noted that the flag was at half mast. He asked me why it was at half mast and I said that it marked your and Joey's one year anniversary of dating.
Please don't hurt me! I was kidding!!
Ramblings. . ..
Finally! I'm home! To stay. . . and read. . .and think about writing. . .and think about life. . .and stare at the phone wanting to call friends but I don't feel like talking into an electronic device. . .even though it makes life easier. . .instead. . .I answer email. . .and think. . .very hard. . . until. . . .KABOOOMMM!!!!!
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