I have to agree with the Elvish Pirate Gyspy Minion Fiend, this is my favorite movie of the books yet. It is very well done, and not only is the storyline well done but the music is AWESOME!!! I don't care for the music in the first four movies, it just seemed so. . .happy, in a way. I've found I really like the music as heard in Pirates, Lord of the Rings, and Chronicles of Narnia, and the soundtrack to this falls into that category. It's awesome. Another point of the movie, though Umbridge does not look like a toad, she makes up for it with her cringing pink wardrobe, girly voice, and evil personality! That actress did a great job!
Luna was my favorite. I love her in the book, and she was stupendous in the movie. Bellatrix Lestrange was wicked awesome! As the Dread Pirate Julianna pointed out, she had an awesome cackle that would put any mad witchy cackle attempt to shame.
I apologize for going off like this, I will not spoil or reveal anymore about this movie. . . .
Signing off in a happily wicked way, Jekka Jones
But I've seen so many bad things about it. Things that weren't even in the book! I think I'm starting to become a critic....
I saw them too, but you have to keep in mind that there is so much in the book, not only do they have to cut many things out but they have to change some of it so that it'll flow smoother. That's what I liked about it, the changes didn't bother me much because the story still flowed.
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