Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Systematic Chaos: Chaos in Motion

After four long and patient years, I finally got to see Dream Theater in concert! It was yesterday, July 30, 2007 at the E Center in Salt Lake. I'm so happy! The last time I saw them was when I went to Denver, Co in March of 2003 (I think. I know it was in March). What bliss! What happiness! Dream Theater!! And it was so cool! Two bands went before them but thanks to a rather unlucky mishap--in which I got a flat tire on the freeway, don't worry everything's okay now--we caught only the last two songs of the first band, Into Eternity. I'm not bummed about that, they rather sucked. That band was one of those hard metal bands, with all guitarists and no keyboardist and a lead singer who screams what sounds like troll-speech into the mike. I was rather glad when they said "Good-bye"

Then Redemption came on. They would have sounded better if they had more mikes around the drum set and the technicians actually did their job in making them sound good. I was rather bummed, becuase they're a good band and I like their songs. My one disappointment in the band was that they did not play Sapphire, which not only is the song they are known by but that's their best song. I really wished they had played that.

Then, Dream Theater came on. . . .Oh the bliss! The happiness! The joy! The sore throat I have now from screaming myself hoarse! I was so happy! They played Endless Sacrifice, Dark Eternal Night, The Spirit Carries On, Pull Me Under, Take Me as I am, and a medly at the end of Trial by Tears, One Last Time, In the Name of God, and Octavarium. It was wonderful! It had been such a long time, and the crowd went crazy, but not as crazy as Dave, my adopted brother. He was going all out to make himself seen by the band members and his hard work paid off! At the very end, Mike Portnoy (the drummer) pointed right at Dave and gave him the thumbs up, and then did it agian to him when they were bowing. Yeah, it was amazing. I loved it. I can't wait until they come back, and I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL RUSH!!! NEXT WEEK!!!

Did I get a shirt? Of course! I wouldn't leave a concert without one, especially Dream Theater!! *sigh* I love rock concerts. This was Rock Concert No. 4. My first concert was Rush: Vapor Trails, then Dream Theater: Train of Thought, and then Kamelot: One Cold Winter Night. All were wonderful and amazing, and I can't wait to go to more of theirs.

Blissfully signing off: A fan


Your Name said...

Sounds very loud to me. I think I would prefer a theatrical performance like Phantom of the Opera than a band concert. But to each her own. I am glad you had so much fun Jekka!...Oh, Tell your mother that I still haven't forgotten the money for those harry potter books I owe her. Next time we get together I will reimburse her for her generosity.

Debbie Barr said...

Sounds cool! Although, like Jenni, I think I might enjoy something a little more mild. Like the Utah Symphony. In any case, yay for you!

Anonymous said...

*is jealous* I wanna go to a concert! T_T I always miss the good stuff. Glad you had fun! I need to talk to you about school stuff. I think I'll send you an email.

Your Name said...

ooooh...and Jekka! I think you need to update your link list. Mandi's web thingy changed and the one you are using no longer applies...

Anonymous said...

yeah sorry I forgot to tell y'all that I changed my URL.

Jekka Goaty Senoj said...

Oh! Thanks! I'll have to update that a.s.a.p.