Friday, July 6, 2007

Slip of the Tongue

It is very common for me to mix up my words. Instead of saying, "Nathan's wearing a pink sweater" it'll come out as, "Nathan's wearing a swink peater." Very common. A simple slip. Everyone does it at one time or another.

Well, tonight was a huge exception for me. I mean HUGE! And I have to say that it is becuase I read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix for two hours straight (not as long as I wanted but I was at the eye doctor's office with mom and steph for that long).

You can see where this is going, can't you?

Well, my mother, father, pipsqueak brother Nathan, and I were sitting on the couch watching the news when Nathan picked up a DVD case. "The Rock?" he said. "What is this? It sounds stupid." (You see, Mom and I were in the mood to watch it and so she pulled it out so we could. Don't worry, it's edited).

"Nathan," I said. "It's actually a really good movie. It's about two people who are trying to break into Azkaban to rescue some hostages."

Do you see my slip of the tongue? In my defense, I knew exactly what I was talking about (Alcatraz) and anyone could do that. There are a lot of common characteristics of the two high security prisons:

  • Secluded rocky island in the San Fransisco Bay
  • Surrounded by freezing waters
  • High security
  • Believed to be inescapable
  • Three successful escapes (Correct me if I'm wrong about this. I've never toured Alcatraz, but I watched the movie with Clint Eastwood Escape from Alcatraz)
  • Bars in every room
  • Secluded rocky island in the North Sea
  • Surrounded by freezing and dangerous waters
  • High security (who needs cameras when you have dementors?)
  • Believed inescapable for the wizarding community
  • One successful escape (the mass breakout after You-Know-Who's return does not count)
  • Bars in every room
So you see? I knew what I was talking about! My mom and dad got a big kick out of it, and I know I must've turned as red as the pillows that are now comfortably propping up my elbows. I just am amazed at how easily it slipped out. I swear I was thinking about Alcatraz and how interested Nathan would be becuase he watched Escape from Alcatraz and liked it. I guess my tongue and brain weren't working together . . . sometimes I think my tongue has its own brain . . . it wouldn't surprise me . . . .

Still, Azkaban and Alcatraz are very similar. The only difference being that Alcatraz is guarded by people, whereas Azkaban (as far as page 451 in Book 5 is concerned) is guarded by nasty dementors; which explains the one escape compared to three, still pretty impressive numbers.

Anyone could have made the slip of the tongue, especially after two and a half hours of anxious reading. Man, I love these books!

Signing off to read, the most notorious and confused Jekka


Debbie Barr said...

Bwahahaha. That's what you get, you, you... you reader. *points fingers*

;) I stayed up till 1:30 in the morning reading the 6th book, and I must say, I really enjoyed it. Probably my favorite Harry Potter book.

Anonymous said...

We're at Gwamp! I'm so excited to finish it. Can't wait to see you!!! *hugs*

Your Name said...

LOl. The rock is a great movie. Who doesn't like Sean Connery as an escapee? (edited of course)...anyways...perhaps wizarding families call askaban the rock too... They're pretty close in comparison.