Friday, July 27, 2007

Feeling accomplished

I finally did what I had been meaning to do since summer started: hang up the two pictures I had been wanting to hang, but never went in search of a hammer and nails. Well, they're finally up and I'm happy. One is the lovely depiction of the Castlehouse drawn by Jenni Ethenielle Edgar Conder, and the other is a picture of an indian woman and a wolf that Stephanie picked out for me the last time she was in Moab. They make me happy.

Oh, and for good measure, I had a crazy dream last night in which I was trying to hike Orderville Gulch (a hike I was supposed to do last week but Mother Nature changed those plans with a raging wildfire on the trail) but Voldemort was chasing me and all his death eaters. I managed to get away but I was still in big trouble and so I began to call for Chrestomanci. I knew he was going to come but he was taking a long time, and a voilent storm was blowing all around, threatening to tear apart the child's tiny playhouse (the kind you would find in a day care center). Unfortunately, if Chrestomanci came and saved me from the Death Eater's or not I never found out because I woke up. That always happens to me, I wake up at the exciting moments and so I never find out what happens. Come to think of it, I've never had a dream that finished. . . .

Lazily signing off: Goaty-Floo


Anonymous said...

what does that make of the two picture frames in the bathroom awaiting to be hung? ;)

Your Name said...

Sounds like you had an exciting dream...Voldemort and the deatheaters and Chrestomanci all in one! I need to have an exciting dream *goes and takes a nap*

Jekka Goaty Senoj said...

the two picture frames in the bathroom are for Mom to deal with.