Saturday, November 3, 2007

New Changes and Additions

So, I got sick of staring at a list where the only exciting critter on it was the Elvish Pirate Gypsy Minion Fiend turned snow goon, so I decided to do a different list.

Dates of Fun Things!

Because I just love knowing when things are happening, so I decided to do this. If you have any realease dates of books, or other good movies, or fun events that'll happen, please email them to me or leave a Jeka Bird. I have them in order of the current month (Like November, december, and January of 2008). So, feel free to tell me of fun things that are coming out or are going to happen (like concerts, or birthdays, and whatnot).



Debbie Barr said...

Could you please put:

"November - entirety
Mahstah dies from doing NaNoWriMo. Send flowers."


Your Name said... remembered elvish pirate gypsy day. I feel sooooo loved. ^-^ Seriously. The fact that you posted it totally made my morning.

Debbie Barr said...

Thanks Jekka