Saturday, November 10, 2007

Weekend update

So, that test I was freaking out about for no apparent reason, it wasn't so bad. Sure, there was one problem I didn't do, but that was because I couldn't remember how to do it so I didn't even bother with it. Another problem though did stump me and I spent the remainder on my time on that one problem trying to figure it out (yep, not counting those two problems, I finished with five minutes to spare!!!). It's now going to bug me how that problem works out, becuase it's supposed to be a reaction that only occurs under certain conditions, but the reactant and solvent are such that they won't occur under those conditions. It was driving me crazy, becuase I could see no way how it would work out.

If you're wondering, it's a reactant and solvent that undergoes SN1 (substitution nucleophile monomial--or to the first order) but I was so confused because it couldn't undergo SN1. SN1 requires a carbocation to be formed and carbocations are not formed on primary carbons. The reactant was an ether and so I had a suspicion that the oxygen stabilized that cation through resonance, but then I didn't have enough time to push the electrons and figure out how it would all work out. I was so confused. The entire problem shouted SN2 (substitution nucleophile binomial--or to the second order), not SN1.

Biology exam was same as usual. Easy, not too worried about that, plus he drops our lowest test score so I'm not afeared of that.

On a plus side, my roommate says the funniest things that make me want to write a short story on. Two things she said was:
"AAAh! This is a murderous hairdryer!"
"I think my computer is trying to seduce me. It's freaking me out."

That last one, I think, I will have so much fun with! A seducing computer. . .ha ha!

Signing off much happier, Jekka G. Senoj


Debbie Barr said...

I must admit I spaced out for a paragraph there... anything that smells of science makes my head spin.

But I'm glad that your week is going much better. ^_^

Your Name said...


icky...*reads computer part and dies laughing*

It sounds like my backpack episode gone haywire.