Sunday, March 30, 2008
His Dark Materials
Some people's kids, that's all I have to say. Man, if anything I'd love to have a little more on what happens to Will and Lyra afterwards. The book I have (all three in one volume) has little excerpts called Lantern Slides which is just snippets on parts of the story that isn't told in the story itself, and there is one about Lyra at age eighteen. Unfortunately it's just a paragraph, and doesn't really say much other than she's studying the aleithiometer and can somehow communicate with Will. Gah! I hated how it ends! It's so infuriating!!
And I want a daemon! That's so cool! I want a constant companion that goes everywhere with me. It's so cool!
Now, I have four books I can read next. Well, three since one of them is a sequel (The Year of the Griffin) so I think I'll write some more of Samurai, then decide on what book to read.
Ooooh, that would be a great discussion. Hey, Winston! I need you to help me with this debate on what book to read next! No, Francis, I don't want a joke book. . . .Rupert, you're the one who needs a book about keeping one's self clean! Compared to you, our shower is germ-free!
Okay, maybe not. There are things living in our shower. . . .
Oh, and it's Mastah Genius Day! So go find a Mastah near you and break their dishes, play in their laundry, and tinker with their doomsday devices! Happy Birthday Mastah!
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Much Ado About Nothing
Which is a very difficult thing to do. Poetry is already vague enough without having to try to explain your interpretation of it. It's so difficult it should be shot. Don't worry, I got it done though.
On top of having no classes, I got off of work early. I believe due to the increase in gas prices, people are limiting their driving around town to when they absolutely need it. That and the sun setting at 7:30 pm. Needless to day, we were short on labor so after I stocked candy and popcorn and ran the last stack of returns, I was free to go home. Of which I then went to Off the Cuff and laughed so hard I'm surprised my cheeks aren't sore.
Oh, Mom, they were doing this one game in which the audience chooses a one-syllable name, and the comedians all sing a song to it so that the last word of the line they're saying rhymes with the name. They keep going until a person fails to come up with a new rhyme, or says one that was used before, and then they start all over again with a new name. I yelled out Spock on a new round and they used it! It was so funny, and they got really far on his name. It was a great night.
Well, yeah, that's all. . .off to buy a present for Mastah now. Her special day's tomorrow!!! Which means she'll probably get it in a couple of days becuase the Post Office on campus (yes, I'm lazy) isn't open on weekends. So, yeah, expect, er, something soonish Mastah!
If I were home I'd make you cookies, but, alas, you'll have to be happy with something else.
Monday, March 24, 2008
I thought I knew how before but I really didn't.
I can make a hangman's noose.
My uncle showed me how yesterday.
Oh Rupert. . . .
Sunday, March 23, 2008
As the crow flies
Seriously, I'm hiking along and then I want to know how much further to some point or other along the trail so I call to my Uncle--minus the falling trees but that's another story-- "Hey, Uncle, how much further?"
To which he glances at the GPS and says, "Half a mile away. . . .as the crow flies."
Gah! It's torture! For those of you who do not understand this jargon, "as the crow flies" is basically a beeline to the endpoint, but because there are lovely obstacles called canyon walls, a hiker needs a pair of wings to make that beeline that is only a half mile.
So, yeah, that's a hateful statement. It basically means that you'll be hiking double, maybe even quadruple, the distance indicated on the GPS. The things I put myself through.
So yeah, went hiking this weekend. Yeah, I'm pleasantly sore, and sporting a blister on my heel. We did two hikes, one was six and a half miles (not as the crow flies) and the second one was a 15-mile loop. The first one, Tillman Wash, was pretty fun with cool pools and alcoves to scramble around. We also hiked out to the edge of the reef, and my uncle, papa bear, and a friend of my uncle's decided to play the role of boy scouts and began pushing rocks over the side of the cliff. And we're not talking about little or medium-sized rocks, these were basically small boulders. It was cool though. I could actually feel the cliff shudder when these hobbit boulders hit the bottom of the cliff. Which was about a five second count, by the way.
The second hike, the 15-miler, consisted of two canyons: Crack and Chute Canyon. Crack Canyon was fun, but the hike over the San Rafael Reef and through Chute was not. It was long, sandy, and very hot. Crack Canyon had a bunch of obstacles and one place where you had to rappel, and it was much more fun. All in all, we (Dad, Uncy Luap, Bee, Katie Sue, and me) decided that Crack Canyon is fun to do, just go down it and then back up. And Chute Canyon is good for taking kids on it just to hike through a canyon. Chute Canyon has no obstacles or anything.
So, yeah, there's my report. I'll see if I can get a hold of some pictures we took from Dad and I'll post those later. Those canyons were very pretty. Nature is so pretty. . .and hiking is AWESOMELY FUN!!!
Anywho, Francis, go find an Easter egg. I'm sure you'll find one somewhere that the kiddies haven't found yet. . . .
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Tormenting kitties
And then Mom started tickling the bottom of her paws, and she started growling at us. And then we would play with her tail and she would get annoyed, but she never scratched us. All she did was get up and stalk to some other corner of the bed. Which Mom and I would just follow her and then bug her some more.
And then Mom and I were smelling a bunch of candles from some company called Scentsy (or whatever), and I had Midnight sniff a couple. The first one she sniffed, she closed her eyes and leaned away as if she didn't care for it. But then I gave her another one to smell. It was called lime and lemon. Ha ha! She totally flinched and ran off! It was so funny! She really didn't like that one!
Hee. I love my Kitty.
Yes, Winston, I love you too. Yes, you can go read the encyclopedia. I'll quiz you on what you didn't learn so don't pay attention to the important things! Good goat.
Monday, March 17, 2008
So, I was at my Grandma's house yesterday just sitting and visiting with her, Mom, and my aunt and my aunt noticed a bird sitting in the tree that my Grandma has all of her birdfeeders hanging from. So, I got up and took a look and I said, "That's a falcon of some sort." I thought it was a kestrel because they're all over the place in Elk Ridge, but Mom grabbed Grandma's bird book and some binoculars and we took a closer look. Here's what it looked like (the picture is from the internet, of course)

Does anyone know what this birdy is? Anyone? Anyone have a guess?
Rupert I already hinted it was a falcon. It's beak and body is completely wrong to be a duck. And it's too big to be a sparrow. Go take a bath!
Sheesh, some goats. Anywho, becuase I can see you're all biting your nails in confusion and excitement I'll tell you. This here, and that bird sitting in my Grandma's yard, is a Merlin. Falco columbias. What's cool is that you don't see them a lot here in Utah. They are migratory birds, but will sometimes take up winter residence in some places. Apparently that female merlin (the males have blue-gray wings) decided that Grandma's house is an excellent place to hold out for the winter. And boy does she take advantage of those bird feeders! I think this was the same bird that I saw at Christmas time. That time, I actually saw this she-merlin catch a bird and start eating it.
Grandma wasn't so happy about that, but I thought it was cool. Nature in action! And a merlin!! AWESOME!!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
*runs around for an hour or two*
Okay, that was fun. So, I got tagged. . .by Lizardbreath. . .so here's some seven strange and wondrous things about the Defective Minion Nomad Jekka Fiend:
1. I can cross one eye, both eyes, and move one eye in a complete circle at a time. It's rather fun and I love freaking people out with it.
2. I have a fascination with boxes of any kind, but I especially like the boxes that are antique-looking. I have yet to come across/get my hands on a box with an old fashioned key to open it.
3. I can make dolphin noises, and according to a dolphin trainer at Marine World I really sound like one. I can also do a loon call, chickadee chirps, and house finch trills.
4. I still have Pogs, complete with a whammer. They're all in this little Felix the Cat case that I got in a Wendy's Happy meal
5. I am slowly becoming an Anime freak. I've been watching a lot of anime and I'm going to an Anime Convention that's coming to St. George. I just finished Trigun yesterday (AWESOME!!!) and have a few animes that I would actually buy
6. Unfortunately, all my buying money goes towards books. I'm addicted to books. (Elantris came!)
7. Being blond, I like brown hair. No matter how hard I try to put variety in my stories when it comes to hair color, I always picture the characters with brown hair. Though red hair sometimes pops up, like Liliana, on rare occasions.
Well, that was fun. Er, I guess most of my buddies have been tagged alweady. . .but, I'll do it again, just to be sure.
Francis! Ready the radio transmitters!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
100 Posts and other things
A growing trend of dish rape has been sweeping Manzanita D. If you or anyone you know is exhibiting the signs of dish rape, contact your local dish rape specialist immediatly. Remember, it could be your dish that gets raped. Speak out, save a dish.
This ad was brought to you by PLAD (Please Leave Alone the Dishes).
So, yeah, that's my apartment. I love it. Brittany wrote the above ad so go leave a comment on her and Alex's blog. Now.
The story behind that shtuff is we have a sign above the sink that says "Dishes are like boyfriends. Your roommates should not be doing them." I'm sure you can see where dish raping came from?
Anywho, happy 100 postings! Er, nothing much happening. . .I'm still waiting for my stinking Elantris book! Okay, it's not stinking but the people who shipped it are! I was expecting it Wednesday at the latest and it still hasn't come! ANNOYANCE!!!
At least I have the Golden Compass, and Wheel of Time no matter how irksome it is. . . .Oh! So on Tuesday my roomies and I went to Wal-Mart. I wasn't intending on buying anything but I got this plastic green bowler hat with a shamrock on it, some easter eggs that were gold and silver (very shiney), and then a packet of TMNT easter eggs!! They make me happy! I love the turtles!
No, Winston I'm not going to do homework today. I'll do that tomorrow. You go back to your philosophical discussion with the slingshot. That's a good goat.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Tarot Card
I was a little surprised by what I got. BUT, I like the dragons!
You are The Lovers
Motive, power, and action, arising from Inspiration and Impulse.
The Lovers represents intuition and inspiration. Very often a choice needs to be made.
Originally, this card was called just LOVE. And that's actually more apt than "Lovers." Love follows in this sequence of growth and maturity. And, coming after the Emperor, who is about control, it is a radical change in perspective. LOVE is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. This card indicates that the you have or will come across a person, career, challenge or thing that you will fall in love with. You will know instinctively that you must have this, even if it means diverging from your chosen path. No matter the difficulties, without it you will never be complete.
What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.
Yeah, took me by suprise. Love? Ew!
Saturday, March 1, 2008
Random again
Why do I keep reading them? Because there's a good plot line going on and I do want to see what happens. I just can't stand all the drama and soap opera-ish stuff that goes on! Not to mention angsty prophesied ones.
I did order some books off of lovely Elantris, Dark Lord of Derkholm, and Rakkety Tam. Along with Oceanborn by Nightwish. However, I have to wait a week before I get those. A week! What am I going to do? I can write, yeah, and I probably will, but but. . . .I WANT TO READ SOMETHING!!!
I want my bookshelves. There's some books on those that I'd like to read right now. . . .
As for crackers, they're very tasty. I likes them a lot. I've been eating more crackers than chocolate, just becuase I eat them while I study.
. . . .No, that's all. . . .yeah, I'm done. . . .no, they don't want to know that. . . .They told me so. . . okay fine!
Rupert wanted me to post that my last, official day at Hollywood Video is April 11. I don't know why he's so excited about that. I'm more excited than him! My last day! FOREVER!!
I'm never going back!