Sunday, March 30, 2008

His Dark Materials

So I just finished reading His Dark Materials, the trilogy that The Golden Compass is a part of, and all I can say is: It's just a story, and a good story at that. Sheesh.

Some people's kids, that's all I have to say. Man, if anything I'd love to have a little more on what happens to Will and Lyra afterwards. The book I have (all three in one volume) has little excerpts called Lantern Slides which is just snippets on parts of the story that isn't told in the story itself, and there is one about Lyra at age eighteen. Unfortunately it's just a paragraph, and doesn't really say much other than she's studying the aleithiometer and can somehow communicate with Will. Gah! I hated how it ends! It's so infuriating!!

And I want a daemon! That's so cool! I want a constant companion that goes everywhere with me. It's so cool!

Now, I have four books I can read next. Well, three since one of them is a sequel (The Year of the Griffin) so I think I'll write some more of Samurai, then decide on what book to read.

Ooooh, that would be a great discussion. Hey, Winston! I need you to help me with this debate on what book to read next! No, Francis, I don't want a joke book. . . .Rupert, you're the one who needs a book about keeping one's self clean! Compared to you, our shower is germ-free!

Okay, maybe not. There are things living in our shower. . . .

Oh, and it's Mastah Genius Day! So go find a Mastah near you and break their dishes, play in their laundry, and tinker with their doomsday devices! Happy Birthday Mastah!


Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the TV Digital, I hope you enjoy. The address is A hug.

Debbie Barr said...

ROFL at poster before me. Bahaha.

Also, thanks. Mastah Genius day was great.

Your Name said...


woah...that was a really random comment you got there...anyways...
I agree with you that too many people are taking the whole religion (lack thereof) thing in that triology too seriously.

Jekka Goaty Senoj said...

I did not understand a word of that tv digital guy. . .weird!