Sooo, I wanted to get some pictures of Robber's Roost and post them, but, as always, I'm too lazy to go and get them from Dad so they'll have to come later. Other than that: The hike was awesome and horrible at the same time. The first three miles were a blast with much scrambling through slot canyons, Fat Man's Misery, and rappelling down cliffs (one being a free-fall). After all that fun stuff though, it was ten miles of trudging through heat, sand, and over rocks.
The definition of Forever is South Fork of Robber's Roost. It's also the definition of Eternal Hell. It took forever before we got to Middle Fork, then to the Dirty Devil River, before we threw down our packs on the banks of the Dirty Devil and went to sleep.
Funny story though, right after we had all settled down for bed I felt something move under my sleeping bag. Well, I thought it was my sleeping bag being weird so I kicked my tarp. It moved again. Confused, I sat up and looked at the spot and saw it moved. I yelled at dad to wake up, and I told him that there was something under my tarp. He sat up and looked, and just then my tarp moved again and something black skittered out from under it. Dad grabbed his headlight and shone it on it.
Lo and behold, it was a little froggy!
After that, we got serenaded by all these frogs. But they weren't the pleasant croaking and bloatings (sorry, Gurgi there. . . . ) but sounded as if the frogs were being flattened by a steam roller and then covered in cement at the same time. It was rather funny to listen to. Not to mention, when we woke up in the morning, a bird starting screeching like it was going to die. It was a very odd adventure.
But, I'm home, no longer sore (except for my bruised big toe. I've never had a toe bruised under the nail before. NOT PLEASANT!!!).
AND IT'S RAINING!!! Oh glorious, beautiful, wonderful, sweet, wet RAIN!!!
Of course, once it lets up, then it'll be time to tackle our weed-chocked garden, but that won't be too difficult. The ground will be nice and soft. And muddy. Which means. . . .
*starts throwing mud at goats* Come on, goaties, come and get me!
Jekka, I miss you.
*throws mudball*
*skips in the rain and jumps in the puddles* Glorious!
Froggy?.... I WANT PITA BACK!!!!! *sadness*
Yay for mud! *puts on muddy war paint* YAR!
Froggies! I want one! *grabs butterfly net*
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