Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Butterfly nets and faeries

I finally bought a butterfly net. Ever since Kayleigh and I saw them at Lin's I've been wanting one for no other reason than just to have it. Well, I was at Macey's yesterday with Mummy and Chris and I saw them there on sale for 69 cents. So, after much begging and firm explanation that I want it just to have it (a perfectly good explanation in my opinion) Mummy let me get one.

I love it! When I got home, I caught Midnight with it, or tried to. She ran away before I could do it. But I caught Peej. She gave me a funny look and tried to run away, but she only got more caught in the mesh. The silly kitty. But yeah, I have a butterfly net and it's cool.

Now that I have a butterfly net, and Zoie chan kindly reminded me that today is National Fairy Day, I'll go catch meself a fairy or two. I'll let them go, don't worry. I don't want to keep a fairy indoors overnight. They turn into ugly things.

I see the confusion on some of your faces. . .read Fablehaven.

Winston, put down that Thesaurus and come fairy hunting with me. Maybe we'll end up in Neverland!

*grabs net and runs off*


Your Name said...

have you caught any faeries yet?

Anonymous said...

Faeries are nasty creatures to catch, quick and small. Good luck. They only really come out at night at full moon, but National faerie Day is of course a special occasion where mischief is caused all around the world!