Yeah, that's right! Four days left! Four! You heard me! FOUR!!
What do you say to that huh? HUH? What do you say to that you mean old tomato! I DON'T GET TO EAT YOU! HA! Because guess what!
I finished my story. Including the epilogue! Eight notebooks! It took me five years and three months to finish it but its done!!!
(Don't ask how many pages. Even I don't know that.)
So take that! And that! Aaaaand THAT! *pokes and kicks tomato* I'm done!
And I feel exactly how I feel after finishing a really good book. Only difference is that I know what I'm going to do next. I'm going to try to get as much typed up as I can before my mission. It's a shame my lappy went haywire. . .literally. But I'll try to commandeer Chris' or the laundry computer.
I just can't believe it! I'M FINISHED! The rough/first draft is out of the way!
*Francis hopes onto desk* Jekka, now that you're finished what are you going to do next?
*traps Francis in a jar* I am going to read. I'll start typing tomorrow.
FINALLY!!!! *steals story and locks herself in a room to read it*
Way to go Jekka! No tommy-toes for you! Also, when do I get to to read the rest of it? Can I steal it whilst you are in Japan? *puppy eyes*
I need to come out and visit you now...
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