"When you don't do it for a long time, it's exhausting. But if you're always exercising then your not dead after doing it. Clothes shopping is exactly the same thing. You're exercising a part of your brain when it comes to colors and styles." That's what Dad said and boy was he right!
So, yesterday was clothes shopping for Missions, and I did not expect it to be so tiring! First we went to Mr. Mac where Chris got outfitted for suits and whatnot. I tried on a couple of nice, modest dresses they had there and ended up buying one. Other than that, I wasn't feeling stressed at all or anything like that.
And then we went to the Sister Missionary Mall.
Boy, was I tired. How do girls do that?! Seriously! After the first two blouses and skirts I was ready to be done, but the lady helping me just kept throwing in more and more blouses and skirts, vests and sweaters. Mom ended up staying in the dressing room with me to help me mix and match, which I am so grateful for. I was so confused. When I first walked in, the nice lady told me to look around and she would go ahead and pick some stuff out for me. Well, I looked around and found nothing of particular interest. So I just went into the dressing room.
Man, I was so tired. And we're not even done yet! Some of the clothes we bought are dry clean or hand wash only, so we have to take them back. And, due to the heat and humidity in Japan during the summer, I'd like to get one more skirt that's really light weight and made of cotton. I'll have six skirts!!! Six!!! I suppose that's alright, but aaaahhhh!!!
I have already made a sacrifice: My Tomboy-ness.
What's more, tomorrow we're going to go look around some other places with one of Mom's friends. She's an expert on mixing and matching (ideal for a mission: as little clothes as possible with a variety of combinations at the same time all able to be chucked into the washing machine or dryer) so she's going to really help us.
Two things I learned on this outing:
1-Look at the tags
2-Sister Missionary Mall is a good place but go to other places too
I will be happy when the shopping's done. :P Winston, what are you doing now? Get away from Peej, you're a toy to her. AH!
Kitten attacking goat, gotta go!
I hate shopping. It takes so much time and energy, but I'm usually happy with what I end up getting. Still...it's so crazy to think you'll be gone for so long...
I think you're right on the shopping is like exercise thing.
Also, Peej is so cute!
*points to my blog*
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