Wednesday, February 20, 2008

And so the wait begins. . . .

I'm officially caught up with the rest of the avid watchers in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender. Kayleigh and Washi and I finished watching the last five episodes of Book Three. It's so good. . . .

The bummer of the whole thing is that there is nothing ANYWHERE about why the latest episodes haven't been released. We found some forums talking about the whole thing, but I don't trust forums. That's how rumors get started. There isn't an offical website for Avatar other than Nickelodeon (which is no help, by the way), so, no news anywhere. Blah!

They better keep going with it though. It's so good! The plot is very original but unique at the same time. The characters are great, the animation is great, and the music is great too. It's such a good TV series, it has to continue! I want to know what happens next! What happened to Suki, and Iroh? What happened to the invasion force? What will happen to the gang? Gah! It's driving me crazy!

Oh well, on to finish the three other animes I want to watch. . . after class that is. And work. Blah! Work sucks. Maybe I'll reschedule my quit day earlier. . . .talk to my manager and see if I can do that. . . .I'd really like to do that. . . .I'll be so happy to leave and be done with that place!

On a brighter note, Mistborn book 3 now has a title! The Hero of Ages! Oh man! That's going to be one awesome book! I can't wait to read it! It's scheduled to come out in October but maybe I can get a hold of it while on my mission. . . .

If I get struck by lightening due to that last statement, just bury me next to the cat and bird in the backyard. I'll help push up that lilac bush with them.


Your Name said... can't get struck by lightning unless I'm the one shooting them off...Speaking of anime, I've been watching a lot of movies like the cat returns, castle in the sky, and whispers of the heart...but I think I've found a new favorite that is right up there with howl and nausicaa--Tales from Earthsea! It's got dragons ^-^

Jekka Goaty Senoj said...

I like dragons. . .