Tuesday, February 5, 2008

I Did that on Purpose

So, in my intro to poetry class we read a poem, and in that poem was the word "shiny". Well, in reading that poem (yes, I read a poem. Don't die of a heart attack please, I don't want to be charged with murder just yet) I realized that the title of my blog is obviously spelled wrong. Yeah, when I first started it someone--I think it was Chris--pointed out that Shiney didn't have an 'e' in it. I originally spelled it "shiney" becuase, I admit, I thought that was how it was spelled.

Yeah, Chris, or whoever, was right.

So, one day I decided to correct that little misspelling. I went in and changed it to "Oh! It's Shiny!" and then fixed my little sub-header. Then I saved it and took a good look at it.

It looked weird. So, I changed it back to Shiney. It looks better that way. "Shiny" looks more like "Shinny." As in, let's shinny on over to that blog because it's purposefully spelled wrong. So, yeah, yes its misspelled but I like it so deal with it.

It looks better as Shiney, and, if I was even in charge of spelling words that's how I would spell it.


I got Avatar book 2 today. . . .

But, Kayleigh's still at class, so I guess I'll do some laundry. And be somewhat productive. And get more clothes to wear. Because I'm almost out of. . .clothes to wear. Might as well do that while waiting for Kayleigh.

Hmmm, but would we watch the Get Backers or Avatar? Two great anime/cartoons. That's a hard choice. . . .

*notices Winston* Winston! Stop trying to get into a psychological disscussion on the number 42 with Buddha! He's a statue for crying out loud!

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