Here I go, feel free to stop reading anytime:
So, it is (or soon will be) common knowledge that I am absolutely scared of Organic Chemistry, but I am determined to do my best and not fail. This basically means that I'll be reading the textbook, which I have found from last year in chemistry that I just get confused with all the sp orbitals, valence bonds, H-C-Q structures and hybridizations, and 758375 Kj/mol. My teacher, however, seems really down to earth, and as he was talking to us I just kept thinking, "Man, if he could do it, I can do it too." I just need to work harder and actually do what he advises. Which is:
Step 1: read the textbook like it's a novel. Just read it and try not to study it.
Step 2: pay attention in lectures and ask the "why?" question
Step 3: could also be considered part of step 2, but basically re-read the book and work on the problems, and study and try to understand the parts that are confusing
Step 4: after doing the problems (and not just doing them but thinking them through) then check yourself in the student manual that you coughed up $100 just to help you with this sort of thing
Step 5: any problems go see the professor for help
I think I'll add- Step 6: If your insanity is threatened, take a nap, read a book, surf on the web, or write.
I know if I work for it I can do it, but it still doesn't change the fact that I'm nervous.
Evolution doesn't seem so bad, except I'm not sure I'll need the textbook, and if I don't then I'll try to get by without buying it. The teacher said "I test on the things covered in the powerpoint but there are some things in the book you should know."
So is that buy the book or not? I probably will, but I'll wait until he pops a chapter assignment or something on us and I'll need it then, or when I have more money. I'm still trying to get over the cost of books! And I didn't buy my criminal justice book becuase I wasn't sure if I'll need it or not, but now I know I do. I returned my evolution book, and tomorrow I'll get my criminal justice book, and then keep an eye out on the internet for a cheap evolution book. the thing is that if I buy it online, it'll be harder to get rid of it. Also, I need to buy one of three popular science books to read for this class, so I'll have try to find a book (I still need to pick what one to read) around town or online. Though, I'm thinking of getting "Evolution and Mormonism" becuase it may be a book that I'll have no qualms about keeping.
On the plus side, I'm back at Hollywood Video but I'm not going to be working so much (15 hours a week at the most), I won't be closing or opening, and my manager is going to give me a raise. So, thankfully, I'm going to have an income and will have lots of time to focus on my classes and sneak in some writing.
Maybe an adventure will find me . . . .
Thank you for listening to my complaints. I normally don't do this, but getting it out means that I won't bore people's ears off with my constant mention of it.
Beginning to stress, Goaty-floo.