I miss my black, furry, mischevious, devious pussy cat. I miss taking naps at noon, chasing each other in the morning, or hearing her little bell tinkle outside my door, drawing me out of my bed so that I can let her come into my room.

I miss tearing around the house until she is cornered and then scooping her up in my arms and seeing that "Yes, you caught me. Good job. Now put me down so you can catch me again" look. I miss sneaking up behind her and trying to scare her, and then laughing till I burst when she jumps two feet into the air. I miss watching her hunt for flies, and hearing the strange chirping she makes as she's creeping up to them. . .as if she's calling them to her, soothing them, or casting a kitty spell to make that buzzing insect stay on the lower window pane so she can get it. Not to mention trying to protect my cup of milk or water from her, which did not always work as can be seen below.

*sigh* I can't wait to see her again . . . .
Special thanks to Manda Panda for the adorable pictures!
LOL. I love that got milk picture! As for missing your kitty, I miss it too. I miss taunting her with the string, only to end up playing with the string myself. ;P
:( Kitties are the best.
I'll torture her for you!! :)
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