So, it's 10 pm and I'm just bored, so I felt like sharing this lovely picture with my wonderful friends who spy on me. It's called Leap of Faith, painted by the amazing Micheal Whelan (if I spelled his name right. . .which I probably didn't). It is one of my favorites, but especially my favorite of all of his pictures that feature the common theme of a person, dressed in white, stuck or standing in what looks like an old, crumbling building, and have no visible way of getting out of their current predicament; let alone how they even got to where they were in the first place. This picture has always sent chills up my spine (which it is doing right now) each time I look at it: a person, who looks like a young man to me, throwing himself into the space as if hoping that his leap will take him towards the light. Why does he even want to go towards the light? Why does he even leap? The lighting itself is eerie with everything a dark gray to black and only one little part illuminated. It's like life. You can be going along, fine as can be, and then you reach the end of the road--or slab--that your walking on. You can't go back, because going back means dwelling in the past, and those who dwell in the past only destroy themselves. The only way to live is to move foward, but how can you move forward when your road has ended? I feel like that sometimes . . . like I've hit a dead end and nothing in front of me but a infinite drop. Not in the sense of depression or anything like that, but just that I don't know what to do with myself, or my life, but I know I have to keep moving forward. When you keep going forward then everything turns out right. However, sometimes you can't just keep walking, but you have to take that leap of faith, close your eyes and throw yourself into the abyss, try something new, move away from home, or get a new job. Something that puts yourself at risk but not in a self-destructive way like drugs or alcohol. You know . . . that's always a scary thing to do, to close your eyes and jump, but at least I know this: the light will catch you.
Okay, that kinda hurt, so on to a more enjoyable subject that doesn't require attempting to use the other 90% of the brain . . . . Wouldn't it be awesome if we had magic? Not the silly trick cards and coins, or "Watch me saw my beautiful assitant in half and hope I don't really do it" tricks, but REAL magic? Like *coughs* Chrestomanci kind of magic, where you don't need a wand to channel your power, but it is all in your mind and will. The kind where its just waiting for you to push it one way or another. Man, if I had magical powers, I would just enjoy the feel of it rather than actually use it for anything or against anyone. Magic is just so cool.
Dreamily yours, Nomadic Defective Minion Jekka
*gives jekka a blank look* what do you mean IF we had real magic? It is there, if only I had the ability to find it on my own. the world really is that adventurous place, it's just waiting for our eyes and wits to get sharper.
I love that quote!
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