First Mistborn, then Chrestomanci, and now Avatar. I'm a hopeless case!
So, it's official now that Mistborn is my favorite book, closely followed by The Pinhoe Egg, Diana Wynne Jones' newest Chrestomanci book. Jenni, fiend, you were right. That is my favorite of the Chrestomanci books. I want a baby griffin! How fun would that be!
And then there's Avatar. I'd watch it right now but Kayleigh's at work and we've been having fun watching it together. I mean, yesterday, we watched five episodes! Five! I tried stopping after the fourth one but she, through much talking and negotiating, conviced me to watch the fifth episode. And, most likely, after church and when she gets off of work, we're going to watch more. :D I likes that show lots. And Chrestomanci.
How cool would it be to go to Chrestomanci castle? That'd be awesome!
Well, must go eat. Church is soon, and alas, I cannot wear my poncho like I wanted. The weather may turn bad, and I don't want my poncho to get ruined. *happily snuggles in poncho*
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
So, I went home this weekend and had a lovely time with Mastah (but forgot to involve the Evlish Pirate Gyspy Minion Fiend so I owe her cookies) and she gave me my very own PONCHO!!!
It made me so happy! Once I track down a camera, I'm going to take a picture, so stay tuned for a picture. . . .
As for my goats, I still need to get a picture of them, and one of the Twins got a name this weekend. His name is now Francis.
Now, I need other British names for my last nameless goat. I'd like one that's really rustic, and when you say his name you think of someone who's dirty and impolite all the time. The last goat has some places where the paint has come off and, well, he just doesn't look as well-groomed as Winston and Francis. So, please! Give me some names!
And, because I have nothing better to do. . . .Picture!
It made me so happy! Once I track down a camera, I'm going to take a picture, so stay tuned for a picture. . . .
As for my goats, I still need to get a picture of them, and one of the Twins got a name this weekend. His name is now Francis.
Now, I need other British names for my last nameless goat. I'd like one that's really rustic, and when you say his name you think of someone who's dirty and impolite all the time. The last goat has some places where the paint has come off and, well, he just doesn't look as well-groomed as Winston and Francis. So, please! Give me some names!
And, because I have nothing better to do. . . .Picture!

Friday, January 18, 2008
Confessions of a Hedgehog
Mandi started blogging again! Hooray!
And what's more is that she has good news! Hooray!
Go to her blog! Now! Hooray!
And what's more is that she has good news! Hooray!
Go to her blog! Now! Hooray!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Near Death Experience Twice!
So, I've long since decided that I would be a good Pedestrian to the cars that use the road (properly named Suicide Alley) and take the crosswalk instead of jay-walking over to my classes.
Well, yesterday, that didn't work so well.
First off, I always do the "stop and look both ways before crossing the street" and I'm glad I got into the habit of sort of waiting for cars to completely go by before crossing because I nearly got taken out. I started to walk, thinking that this jeep would slow down, but then I thought "No, he's going really fast." So I stopped, standing on the metal plating that bridges the ditch and waited for the jeep to go by. It didn't even slow down! The idiot was talking on his cell phone and just gave me a kinda "Oh, you're there" look and didn't even slow down! He came uncomfortably close to me too.
So, thinking "that jerk" over and over again, I started walking along the marked crosswalk across the street as cars were slowing down and stopping. . .well, except for the car that was making a right hand turn and didn't want to stop for me. So, I had to stop right in the middle of the road so that I wouldn't get run over. After that, I was a little shaken up. Here I am, trying to be safe and courteous to the drivers by actually obeying the signs and painted white lines and I nearly get killed twice!!!
Okay, that may be an over-exaggeration, but it freaked me out. Especially because there was a bunch of people also using that crosswalk to get to and from classes (which is why I started to step out when the jeep was coming, people had started walking across. Fear not, they didn't get hurt).
Some people's kids, that's all I have to say.
Well, yesterday, that didn't work so well.
First off, I always do the "stop and look both ways before crossing the street" and I'm glad I got into the habit of sort of waiting for cars to completely go by before crossing because I nearly got taken out. I started to walk, thinking that this jeep would slow down, but then I thought "No, he's going really fast." So I stopped, standing on the metal plating that bridges the ditch and waited for the jeep to go by. It didn't even slow down! The idiot was talking on his cell phone and just gave me a kinda "Oh, you're there" look and didn't even slow down! He came uncomfortably close to me too.
So, thinking "that jerk" over and over again, I started walking along the marked crosswalk across the street as cars were slowing down and stopping. . .well, except for the car that was making a right hand turn and didn't want to stop for me. So, I had to stop right in the middle of the road so that I wouldn't get run over. After that, I was a little shaken up. Here I am, trying to be safe and courteous to the drivers by actually obeying the signs and painted white lines and I nearly get killed twice!!!
Okay, that may be an over-exaggeration, but it freaked me out. Especially because there was a bunch of people also using that crosswalk to get to and from classes (which is why I started to step out when the jeep was coming, people had started walking across. Fear not, they didn't get hurt).
Some people's kids, that's all I have to say.
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Of Goats and Kitchen Knobs
I has three of them now! They are little, small enough to fit in your hand, and two of them are black and white and the other one is all white with a yellow stripe down his nose. They are fat too! They make me happy!
So, how I came across these three goats. While at Hollywood Video, these three billy goats gruff had wandered away from their master, or was forgotten, and Holly found them while she was putting movies back. She was so taken aback to see three tiny billy goats wandering around that she took them up front. They were sitting on the counter, observing all our bustling and hustling, when yours truly (that's me!) noticed them. I took an instant liking to them and adopted them immediatly. They now sit on my shelf, watching me type.
I love my billy goats gruff! Now, I have to think of some names for two of them. I decided to call the white one Winston because it is such a british name, and he looks the smartest of the three. Any suggestions for the other two?
And, the hot-water knob (is that what they're called) to our kitchen sink always makes this bell-like "ding!" when I turn it on and off. The thing is, none of my roommates have apparently had this experience, just me. I think it's trying to tell me something. . . .it better not be hitting on me. . . .
*slinks off to spy on kitchen sink knob*
So, how I came across these three goats. While at Hollywood Video, these three billy goats gruff had wandered away from their master, or was forgotten, and Holly found them while she was putting movies back. She was so taken aback to see three tiny billy goats wandering around that she took them up front. They were sitting on the counter, observing all our bustling and hustling, when yours truly (that's me!) noticed them. I took an instant liking to them and adopted them immediatly. They now sit on my shelf, watching me type.
I love my billy goats gruff! Now, I have to think of some names for two of them. I decided to call the white one Winston because it is such a british name, and he looks the smartest of the three. Any suggestions for the other two?
And, the hot-water knob (is that what they're called) to our kitchen sink always makes this bell-like "ding!" when I turn it on and off. The thing is, none of my roommates have apparently had this experience, just me. I think it's trying to tell me something. . . .it better not be hitting on me. . . .
*slinks off to spy on kitchen sink knob*
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Anuzzer Postage
Yeah, I'm posting a lot this week, but too bad. Deal with it.
Anywho, so after all of that venting my stress and feeling good afterwards. I did some homework, felt productive, pulled out my story and wrote a bit more to Ayreon: The Final Experiment, and then Alex and Brittany appeared in my room asking me if I wanted to go sledding with them.
In the words of the albino rat from Flushed Away: "I saw an opportunity and I took it!"
What fun! We also recruited another friend by name of Nena (pronounced Nay-Nuh) and went over to a big hill by Cal Ranch. It was perfect! The snow was packed and frozen from people who had gone sledding before, and the melting and re-freezing of the snow. It was so much fun! Not only were the sleds great and we went a long ways before coming to a stop, but sometimes the sled would veer off in random directions, sometimes towards the fence surrounding the high school football field. Brittany actually went through it! It was so funny!
On top of that, I found a shoelace or soemthing like that. It's black and actually in good shape, if you call floppy and snake-like a shape. I likes it. It makes me happy. We also found a scarf there, but we left it there for its owner to come and get it.
Anywho, roomies+ sledding= lots of fun. And it was exactly what I needed to relax and get rid of all that idiotic stress that I was putting myself through.
Thanks roomies!
Anywho, so after all of that venting my stress and feeling good afterwards. I did some homework, felt productive, pulled out my story and wrote a bit more to Ayreon: The Final Experiment, and then Alex and Brittany appeared in my room asking me if I wanted to go sledding with them.
In the words of the albino rat from Flushed Away: "I saw an opportunity and I took it!"
What fun! We also recruited another friend by name of Nena (pronounced Nay-Nuh) and went over to a big hill by Cal Ranch. It was perfect! The snow was packed and frozen from people who had gone sledding before, and the melting and re-freezing of the snow. It was so much fun! Not only were the sleds great and we went a long ways before coming to a stop, but sometimes the sled would veer off in random directions, sometimes towards the fence surrounding the high school football field. Brittany actually went through it! It was so funny!
On top of that, I found a shoelace or soemthing like that. It's black and actually in good shape, if you call floppy and snake-like a shape. I likes it. It makes me happy. We also found a scarf there, but we left it there for its owner to come and get it.
Anywho, roomies+ sledding= lots of fun. And it was exactly what I needed to relax and get rid of all that idiotic stress that I was putting myself through.
Thanks roomies!
Amazing Brothers
Well, about the housing thing, I am going to move in with Kayleigh. Believe it or not, there is no one waiting to get into Manzanita, and it'll just be easier to move in with Kayleigh than try to hassle and pine to stupid housing. I just need to track down my R.A. and maybe the hall director so that I can do the move in/out. It shouldn't take long. I don't have that much stuff, and my roomies will most likely help me, but I would like to just get it done and over with that way I can really focus on my homework.
Second day of classes and already I'm stressed! And it's the "here's all you're expected to do in this class for the semester" kind of stress. I always do this to myself every semester, but for some reason it feels more weighty this semester. I think it's because of my missionary prep class. I mean, it's supposed to get you ready for a mission, but I think I'd have an easier time talking to people about the church and offering the book of mormon (I have to hand out at least one sometime during the semester) on my mission. Mainly because I won't have O-chem to worry about or looking at fishies. So, I've just told myself that I will do my best with the reading, with the memorizing scripture, and doing the actual missionary stuff. It's not so much the grade, which I was rather amazed that I'm even graded for Institute, but just that I want to do it. It will really help me get ready. . .get ready to step out of my comfort zone.
Well, the real purpose of this post was not to go off on my current stresses that will disappear once Friday rolls around, but my amazing brother, Chris. Man, I would really be lost and even more stressed without him. The second couselor and his wife in my ward own a hunting magazine business, and every year they stuff envelopes with, well, stuff and send them to their members. Last year, I went and did this with my roommates, which was really nice becuase I got paid $8 an hour for just sitting around and putting letters and tickets in envelopes.
So, yesterday, Sis. Carter called and told me all the times when they were going to do it, and when I was listening to her I thought "Oh yeah, I can find some time to go and do that." And then, after I hung up, I realized that was the last thing I needed. I already had a job, and any spare time I had needed to go to studying for that Chem final I have next week (:P), but--me being me--I felt obligated to at least go and help for a couple of hours. Well, I was outside, unburying my car and trying to decide if I really wanted to go when Chris saw me and so we started talking. I thought about maybe giving him the extra money I earned because he didn't have a job, but he said he really didn't want me to do that. And then, in his simple yet very observational way, he told me not to worry about it becuase I had to first worry about school.
Man, was that a relief! If anything, he told me that it was okay if I never even show up to help and not call about it. It's not like I'm an actual employee, it's just paid volunteer work.
So, I love my brother. He helps me feel better about the desicions I make, and he's a good friend. I'm glad he's here, and I'm glad he's close by so we can easily hang out.
That's about all, now off to do some homework. You all have a good day!
Second day of classes and already I'm stressed! And it's the "here's all you're expected to do in this class for the semester" kind of stress. I always do this to myself every semester, but for some reason it feels more weighty this semester. I think it's because of my missionary prep class. I mean, it's supposed to get you ready for a mission, but I think I'd have an easier time talking to people about the church and offering the book of mormon (I have to hand out at least one sometime during the semester) on my mission. Mainly because I won't have O-chem to worry about or looking at fishies. So, I've just told myself that I will do my best with the reading, with the memorizing scripture, and doing the actual missionary stuff. It's not so much the grade, which I was rather amazed that I'm even graded for Institute, but just that I want to do it. It will really help me get ready. . .get ready to step out of my comfort zone.
Well, the real purpose of this post was not to go off on my current stresses that will disappear once Friday rolls around, but my amazing brother, Chris. Man, I would really be lost and even more stressed without him. The second couselor and his wife in my ward own a hunting magazine business, and every year they stuff envelopes with, well, stuff and send them to their members. Last year, I went and did this with my roommates, which was really nice becuase I got paid $8 an hour for just sitting around and putting letters and tickets in envelopes.
So, yesterday, Sis. Carter called and told me all the times when they were going to do it, and when I was listening to her I thought "Oh yeah, I can find some time to go and do that." And then, after I hung up, I realized that was the last thing I needed. I already had a job, and any spare time I had needed to go to studying for that Chem final I have next week (:P), but--me being me--I felt obligated to at least go and help for a couple of hours. Well, I was outside, unburying my car and trying to decide if I really wanted to go when Chris saw me and so we started talking. I thought about maybe giving him the extra money I earned because he didn't have a job, but he said he really didn't want me to do that. And then, in his simple yet very observational way, he told me not to worry about it becuase I had to first worry about school.
Man, was that a relief! If anything, he told me that it was okay if I never even show up to help and not call about it. It's not like I'm an actual employee, it's just paid volunteer work.
So, I love my brother. He helps me feel better about the desicions I make, and he's a good friend. I'm glad he's here, and I'm glad he's close by so we can easily hang out.
That's about all, now off to do some homework. You all have a good day!
Monday, January 7, 2008
New Semester
A bit of rambling and what's-on-my-mind sort of things, so feel free to skip over or stop if you get bored.
It's only been the first day of classes, but already I'm really looking forward to my Ichtyology class (in other words: my fishies class). The only assignments I really have are two presentations to do, but they don't seem that difficult to me. Of course, finding the stuff and looking for a topic to do is the easy part, but presenting. . . .that's a different story. I don't like getting in front of people, but thankfully I can do it when I have to. It's just I tend to be very very casual with how I talk and present, but that's my way of attempting to not show nerves. But, I'll do my best. The topics aren't really something I need to worry about, because it can be anything that I find interesting relating to fish. Only the "Catch of the Day" presentations are restricted to stuff we'll be going over/talking about for that day. Other than that, I'm really looking forward to this class. It'll be a nice change from the evolution class I took last semester. That was rather a fiasco.
My english class is tomorrow, and I'm not so looking forward to that simply because it's intro to poetry and I can't write poetry. *sigh* The things I put myself through. I have yoga on Thursday, so that's going to be nice and relaxing. It's a pass/fail class, no textbooks, no homework (well, practicing but even then it's understandable if you're unable to), and you go at your own pace. I'm really looking forward to it. Once the semester starts getting crazy, it's going to be very nice to go and relax. Perfect class to take my mind off of stuff.
Chemistry is chemistry, which means I need to do some problems because we have a test in two weeks, but I was forewarned about that. I don't have any labs this week, it being the first week, so that's really nice. Especially becuase I now have to go talk to housing because I got an "accidental private room." That means, one of two things will happen:
1--They will find me a new roommate
2--I move in with Kayleigh, who also has an "accidental private" (most likely to happen. If I didn't get a roommate during the week for people to move in, then I might not get one. but, we'll see)
Really no surprise, we were expecting something like this to happen with how onery housing is. Seriously, that is the one bad experience I've had being here at SUU: dealing with housing. They're so. . .dumb.
Well, er, that's all. . .for now. . . .
It's only been the first day of classes, but already I'm really looking forward to my Ichtyology class (in other words: my fishies class). The only assignments I really have are two presentations to do, but they don't seem that difficult to me. Of course, finding the stuff and looking for a topic to do is the easy part, but presenting. . . .that's a different story. I don't like getting in front of people, but thankfully I can do it when I have to. It's just I tend to be very very casual with how I talk and present, but that's my way of attempting to not show nerves. But, I'll do my best. The topics aren't really something I need to worry about, because it can be anything that I find interesting relating to fish. Only the "Catch of the Day" presentations are restricted to stuff we'll be going over/talking about for that day. Other than that, I'm really looking forward to this class. It'll be a nice change from the evolution class I took last semester. That was rather a fiasco.
My english class is tomorrow, and I'm not so looking forward to that simply because it's intro to poetry and I can't write poetry. *sigh* The things I put myself through. I have yoga on Thursday, so that's going to be nice and relaxing. It's a pass/fail class, no textbooks, no homework (well, practicing but even then it's understandable if you're unable to), and you go at your own pace. I'm really looking forward to it. Once the semester starts getting crazy, it's going to be very nice to go and relax. Perfect class to take my mind off of stuff.
Chemistry is chemistry, which means I need to do some problems because we have a test in two weeks, but I was forewarned about that. I don't have any labs this week, it being the first week, so that's really nice. Especially becuase I now have to go talk to housing because I got an "accidental private room." That means, one of two things will happen:
1--They will find me a new roommate
2--I move in with Kayleigh, who also has an "accidental private" (most likely to happen. If I didn't get a roommate during the week for people to move in, then I might not get one. but, we'll see)
Really no surprise, we were expecting something like this to happen with how onery housing is. Seriously, that is the one bad experience I've had being here at SUU: dealing with housing. They're so. . .dumb.
Well, er, that's all. . .for now. . . .
Friday, January 4, 2008
*gazes around room*
Book. . .book. . .book. . .
*stand up and walks around in circles*
Book. . . .book. . .book. . . .
*wanders aimlessly into kitchen only to stare at sink overflowing with clean dishes*
Book. . . .book. . . .book. . . .
*returns to room to sit and stare at the wall*
Book. . . .book. . . .book. . . . .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I'm sorry, but Jekka is currently unavialable. She has just finished reading The Well of Ascension, Book two of Mistborn written by Brandon Sanderson. She greatly enjoyed this book, but advises all avid readers to read the first one Mistborn: The Final Empire, before reading this one as it reveals some very key spoilers that are given in the first book. She views Brandon Sanderson as a very amazing and talented fantasy author, and dearly hopes that he will write the third book of the Mistborn trilogy, rather than the twelfth book of the Wheel of Time. In her opinion, reading about metals and mists is more interesting than Aes Sedai and prophesied heroes who cannot make up their minds.
I must go now, and comfort her, and attempt to make her write a bit more of her story before going to bed. Now that she is motivated from reading such an incredible book, she may just be able to accomplish her new year goal of finishing Samurai before she departs on her planned mission this summer.
Hope you are all doing well, and please check out Brandon Sanderson's blog, as well as his website. The link is in "For All Explorers"
Sincerely yours, Jekka's laptop.
Book. . .book. . .book. . .
*stand up and walks around in circles*
Book. . . .book. . .book. . . .
*wanders aimlessly into kitchen only to stare at sink overflowing with clean dishes*
Book. . . .book. . . .book. . . .
*returns to room to sit and stare at the wall*
Book. . . .book. . . .book. . . . .
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I'm sorry, but Jekka is currently unavialable. She has just finished reading The Well of Ascension, Book two of Mistborn written by Brandon Sanderson. She greatly enjoyed this book, but advises all avid readers to read the first one Mistborn: The Final Empire, before reading this one as it reveals some very key spoilers that are given in the first book. She views Brandon Sanderson as a very amazing and talented fantasy author, and dearly hopes that he will write the third book of the Mistborn trilogy, rather than the twelfth book of the Wheel of Time. In her opinion, reading about metals and mists is more interesting than Aes Sedai and prophesied heroes who cannot make up their minds.
I must go now, and comfort her, and attempt to make her write a bit more of her story before going to bed. Now that she is motivated from reading such an incredible book, she may just be able to accomplish her new year goal of finishing Samurai before she departs on her planned mission this summer.
Hope you are all doing well, and please check out Brandon Sanderson's blog, as well as his website. The link is in "For All Explorers"
Sincerely yours, Jekka's laptop.
New Addition
And if you will direct your eyes to the entertaining sidebar, scroll down a ways to the section marked "Fiends and Things" you will see a latest addition to our collection.
Dueling Roommates.
This blog is a blog put together by the roommates Brittany and Alex, currently residing at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah. They have been good friends for a couple of years, and have decided to undergo the amazing, and frustrating, experience of college together. Please check out their new blog, for much laughter and tears are in store there.
And now, to move on to other questionable things. . . .*tourist bus moves on*
Dueling Roommates.
This blog is a blog put together by the roommates Brittany and Alex, currently residing at Southern Utah University in Cedar City, Utah. They have been good friends for a couple of years, and have decided to undergo the amazing, and frustrating, experience of college together. Please check out their new blog, for much laughter and tears are in store there.
And now, to move on to other questionable things. . . .*tourist bus moves on*
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Good News!!!
With three exclamation marks too!
I'm on Notebook #8 and I'm getting closer to being done with Samurai! Not done yet, or almost done, but I'm much closer!
On a plus side, I now have lots of space to write good quotes on. I was running out of room on Notebook #7.
Don't worry, I'll write more tomorrow, but right now I really really REALLY want to read Mistborn. It's getting gud.
Er, that's all?
I'm on Notebook #8 and I'm getting closer to being done with Samurai! Not done yet, or almost done, but I'm much closer!
On a plus side, I now have lots of space to write good quotes on. I was running out of room on Notebook #7.
Don't worry, I'll write more tomorrow, but right now I really really REALLY want to read Mistborn. It's getting gud.
Er, that's all?
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
A pleasant discovery
So, with my dime and pennies money I went to the bookstore. I didn't go to Braun's Books, but instead found myself at Mountain West, and there I bought Stardust. They had two copies of it, one with the movie poster plastered on the front, and the second with a better, more authentic cover. So, I bought the latter, and as I was leafing through it, I found this poem in the front:
Go, and catch a falling star,
Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me where all past years are,
Or who cleft the Devil's foot,
Teach me to hear the mermaids singing,
Or to keep off envy's stinging,
And find
what wind
Serves to advance an honest mind.
If thou be'est born to strange sights,
Things invisible to see,
Ride ten thousand days and nights,
Till age snow white hairs on thee,
Thou, when thou return'st, wilt tell me
All strange and wonders that befell thee,
And swear
Lives a woman true, and fair.
If thou find'st one, let me know,
Such a pilgrimage were sweet,
Yet do not, I would not go,
Though at the next door we might meet,
Though she were true when you met her,
And last, till you write your letter,
Yet she
Will be
False, ere I come, to two, or three
--John Donne, 1572-1631
Sound familiar? It's the same song from Howl's Moving castle! The first stanza in chapter "In which Michael has trouble with a spell" and the second stanza is in chapter "In which Howl goes to a strange country in search of a spell." I have never heard this song/poem before, but it cropped up in two books, both of which the authors are from the British Isles. Interesting, ne? Still, a pleasant discovery! It made me lots happy.
Done sharing random tidbit and on to read some more, J. G. Senoj
Go, and catch a falling star,
Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me where all past years are,
Or who cleft the Devil's foot,
Teach me to hear the mermaids singing,
Or to keep off envy's stinging,
And find
what wind
Serves to advance an honest mind.
If thou be'est born to strange sights,
Things invisible to see,
Ride ten thousand days and nights,
Till age snow white hairs on thee,
Thou, when thou return'st, wilt tell me
All strange and wonders that befell thee,
And swear
Lives a woman true, and fair.
If thou find'st one, let me know,
Such a pilgrimage were sweet,
Yet do not, I would not go,
Though at the next door we might meet,
Though she were true when you met her,
And last, till you write your letter,
Yet she
Will be
False, ere I come, to two, or three
--John Donne, 1572-1631
Sound familiar? It's the same song from Howl's Moving castle! The first stanza in chapter "In which Michael has trouble with a spell" and the second stanza is in chapter "In which Howl goes to a strange country in search of a spell." I have never heard this song/poem before, but it cropped up in two books, both of which the authors are from the British Isles. Interesting, ne? Still, a pleasant discovery! It made me lots happy.
Done sharing random tidbit and on to read some more, J. G. Senoj
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