Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Near Death Experience Twice!

So, I've long since decided that I would be a good Pedestrian to the cars that use the road (properly named Suicide Alley) and take the crosswalk instead of jay-walking over to my classes.

Well, yesterday, that didn't work so well.

First off, I always do the "stop and look both ways before crossing the street" and I'm glad I got into the habit of sort of waiting for cars to completely go by before crossing because I nearly got taken out. I started to walk, thinking that this jeep would slow down, but then I thought "No, he's going really fast." So I stopped, standing on the metal plating that bridges the ditch and waited for the jeep to go by. It didn't even slow down! The idiot was talking on his cell phone and just gave me a kinda "Oh, you're there" look and didn't even slow down! He came uncomfortably close to me too.

So, thinking "that jerk" over and over again, I started walking along the marked crosswalk across the street as cars were slowing down and stopping. . .well, except for the car that was making a right hand turn and didn't want to stop for me. So, I had to stop right in the middle of the road so that I wouldn't get run over. After that, I was a little shaken up. Here I am, trying to be safe and courteous to the drivers by actually obeying the signs and painted white lines and I nearly get killed twice!!!

Okay, that may be an over-exaggeration, but it freaked me out. Especially because there was a bunch of people also using that crosswalk to get to and from classes (which is why I started to step out when the jeep was coming, people had started walking across. Fear not, they didn't get hurt).

Some people's kids, that's all I have to say.


Debbie Barr said...

Oh, be careful! There was a pedestrian killed at a BYU crosswalk last week, and it was really sad.

Glad you're okay, though. That would be awful!

Your Name said...

Cars are evil...