Friday, January 4, 2008


*gazes around room*

Book. . .book. . .book. . .

*stand up and walks around in circles*

Book. . . .book. . .book. . . .

*wanders aimlessly into kitchen only to stare at sink overflowing with clean dishes*

Book. . . .book. . . .book. . . .

*returns to room to sit and stare at the wall*

Book. . . .book. . . .book. . . . .

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I'm sorry, but Jekka is currently unavialable. She has just finished reading The Well of Ascension, Book two of Mistborn written by Brandon Sanderson. She greatly enjoyed this book, but advises all avid readers to read the first one Mistborn: The Final Empire, before reading this one as it reveals some very key spoilers that are given in the first book. She views Brandon Sanderson as a very amazing and talented fantasy author, and dearly hopes that he will write the third book of the Mistborn trilogy, rather than the twelfth book of the Wheel of Time. In her opinion, reading about metals and mists is more interesting than Aes Sedai and prophesied heroes who cannot make up their minds.

I must go now, and comfort her, and attempt to make her write a bit more of her story before going to bed. Now that she is motivated from reading such an incredible book, she may just be able to accomplish her new year goal of finishing Samurai before she departs on her planned mission this summer.

Hope you are all doing well, and please check out Brandon Sanderson's blog, as well as his website. The link is in "For All Explorers"

Sincerely yours, Jekka's laptop.

1 comment:

Debbie Barr said...


I can't believe you're going on your mission this summer. Weird. Good, but weird.

Also, glad you enjoyed the book.