Sunday, January 27, 2008


First Mistborn, then Chrestomanci, and now Avatar. I'm a hopeless case!

So, it's official now that Mistborn is my favorite book, closely followed by The Pinhoe Egg, Diana Wynne Jones' newest Chrestomanci book. Jenni, fiend, you were right. That is my favorite of the Chrestomanci books. I want a baby griffin! How fun would that be!

And then there's Avatar. I'd watch it right now but Kayleigh's at work and we've been having fun watching it together. I mean, yesterday, we watched five episodes! Five! I tried stopping after the fourth one but she, through much talking and negotiating, conviced me to watch the fifth episode. And, most likely, after church and when she gets off of work, we're going to watch more. :D I likes that show lots. And Chrestomanci.

How cool would it be to go to Chrestomanci castle? That'd be awesome!

Well, must go eat. Church is soon, and alas, I cannot wear my poncho like I wanted. The weather may turn bad, and I don't want my poncho to get ruined. *happily snuggles in poncho*


Your Name said...

*sigh* that is the pleasant downside of having such a marvelous gift from a beloved mastah. You become so attached to it that would rather die than see it ruined. As the various ringbearers have stated, "I would risk no hurt to the ring." It is the same with such gifts....


*wraps up in cloak*

Anonymous said...

If you haven't named your goat yet:

Augustus, Barrington, Clive, Edmund, Edward, Elmer, George, Gregory, Harrington, Harrold, Patrick, Ralph, Phillip, Rupert, Thomas, Timothy, Victor, Vladimir, Trvor, Willohby

Jekka Goaty Senoj said...

RUPERT!!! that's it!!