Sunday, January 13, 2008

Of Goats and Kitchen Knobs

I has three of them now! They are little, small enough to fit in your hand, and two of them are black and white and the other one is all white with a yellow stripe down his nose. They are fat too! They make me happy!

So, how I came across these three goats. While at Hollywood Video, these three billy goats gruff had wandered away from their master, or was forgotten, and Holly found them while she was putting movies back. She was so taken aback to see three tiny billy goats wandering around that she took them up front. They were sitting on the counter, observing all our bustling and hustling, when yours truly (that's me!) noticed them. I took an instant liking to them and adopted them immediatly. They now sit on my shelf, watching me type.

I love my billy goats gruff! Now, I have to think of some names for two of them. I decided to call the white one Winston because it is such a british name, and he looks the smartest of the three. Any suggestions for the other two?

And, the hot-water knob (is that what they're called) to our kitchen sink always makes this bell-like "ding!" when I turn it on and off. The thing is, none of my roommates have apparently had this experience, just me. I think it's trying to tell me something. . . .it better not be hitting on me. . . .

*slinks off to spy on kitchen sink knob*


Anonymous said...

What the hey are you talking about? Goats? picture. I demand one now.

Your Name said...

I have a service bell that goes ding...though I doubt it has any particular attachment to me...

Debbie Barr said...

It's totally hitting on you. Creepiness.

Your Name said...

Your sink thingy may be hitting on you, but I'm the one hitting my service bell ;)

Jekka Goaty Senoj said...

At least I got my goats!