Except that it's finals week.
The two basement apartments are flooding, as well as a basement apartment in the building next to us.
A girl in the apartment next to us has to move to a different room so maintenance can drill a hole into her wall.
The water pipes are in their death throes.
And we have no water!
Yeah, isn't the end of the school year great?
On the bright side, I bought The Golden Compass yesterday and me and my roomies all watched it last night. It made me so happy. I also went to Braun's Books too and bought four books. They are as follows:
The Book of Three
The Black Cauldron (really nice, new covers for these first two!)
The Cay
The Outsiders
Hmmm, all of those start with "the". . . .What a strange coinkidink! Oh well.
Hey Rupert, I think you should go take a bath while the waters still there in D2. You need a bath BADLY!!!
Well, I best continue to pace around until 10:45, which is when I need to leave for my Chem final. I'd do some studying but I feel I've done as much as I've been able to. Anymore won't be of much help, methinks. So, off to pace.
*starts pacing*
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Study Day
It is so hard to study when you practically studied the material the week before. I mean, I had an out of class homework assignment in O-chem which basically was to prepare me for the ACS. Well, I feel pretty prepared. All I'm doing right now is reading the end-of-chapter reviews and working a couple of problems, but I feel ready. Unfortunately my final isn't until Wednesday at 11 am. I'm going to be so bored! I know I won't try cramming some last minutes studying that day becuase cramming does not work with O-chem. If you don't know the stuff by test day then there's nothing much else you can do.
It seems like I'm whining but I'm really not. My brain's just shot with all this studying. I need something else. . .chocolate, anime, a walk. . .a walk is good. Maybe I'll go for a walk? That'll be good. I like walks. They're good for my spleen. . . .
Francis, take over for me.
helo, ths is fragnchifs. i;'m sojrry fkor the mspekllings buyt it igs diffhibcuklt too tyipfe. i',m gtoo sgmdajll. baa1
It seems like I'm whining but I'm really not. My brain's just shot with all this studying. I need something else. . .chocolate, anime, a walk. . .a walk is good. Maybe I'll go for a walk? That'll be good. I like walks. They're good for my spleen. . . .
Francis, take over for me.
helo, ths is fragnchifs. i;'m sojrry fkor the mspekllings buyt it igs diffhibcuklt too tyipfe. i',m gtoo sgmdajll. baa1
Friday, April 25, 2008
Exploding Coconuts
Do coconuts migrate? They do in Cedar City! And specifically in the hands of myself, Alex, Kayleigh, and Nena.
You see, one coconut last night at 8:00 pm migrated from Wal-Mart, to our apartment, and then to the roof of the science building where it committed suicide with a resounding SPLAT! on the sidewalk below.
Yup, we threw a coconut off the science building.
It was awesome! We didn't drain any of milk out so when it went SPLAT! it went SPLAT! It was awesome! We decided that it will be a yearly event to celebrate the ending of one year of school.
Don't worry, we're currently in the process of separating coconut meat from shell, drenching it in sugar and then roasting it. We roasted some yesterday, and it was gu-ud!
Rupert! Winston! That is not a coconut! That's a watermelon! We won't be able to cover our tracks as well with that! No! Stop!
You see, one coconut last night at 8:00 pm migrated from Wal-Mart, to our apartment, and then to the roof of the science building where it committed suicide with a resounding SPLAT! on the sidewalk below.
Yup, we threw a coconut off the science building.
It was awesome! We didn't drain any of milk out so when it went SPLAT! it went SPLAT! It was awesome! We decided that it will be a yearly event to celebrate the ending of one year of school.
Don't worry, we're currently in the process of separating coconut meat from shell, drenching it in sugar and then roasting it. We roasted some yesterday, and it was gu-ud!
Rupert! Winston! That is not a coconut! That's a watermelon! We won't be able to cover our tracks as well with that! No! Stop!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Blah Blah
Hmmm. . . .I'm hungry.
*sings* Tonari no Totoro. To-to-ro!
Francis, don't you dare rescue Minnie!
To read or not to read. That is the question.
Of course, I could write. . . .
Anime club today. Yipee!
My Sharphin is gnawing on my brand new brush. Good sharphin!
For those who don't know, Sharphin is half-dolphin, half-shark.
Some idiot is playing their rap again. *retaliates with Rush*
How would I define poetry? Crazy? Weird? Confusing?
Inquisitive minds should not go on walks.
Walks are good for the spleen. (Not scientifically proven).
New Avatar episodes start airing on TV July 14. :P
*sings* Tonari no Totoro. To-to-ro!
Francis, don't you dare rescue Minnie!
To read or not to read. That is the question.
Of course, I could write. . . .
Anime club today. Yipee!
My Sharphin is gnawing on my brand new brush. Good sharphin!
For those who don't know, Sharphin is half-dolphin, half-shark.
Some idiot is playing their rap again. *retaliates with Rush*
How would I define poetry? Crazy? Weird? Confusing?
Inquisitive minds should not go on walks.
Walks are good for the spleen. (Not scientifically proven).
New Avatar episodes start airing on TV July 14. :P
Saturday, April 19, 2008
First Anime Convention
So, after being roped unwillingly (or was it willingly?) into watching Anime, I went to my first Anime Convention today. Boy, was it fun. I didn't stay the entire time, for about three hours actually, but it was really fun. I would love to go to another one, especially a bigger one. This one in St. George was really small, small enough for them to hold it in the lobby of Holiday Inn. Yeah, it was small, but. . . .
I didn't really meet and talk to the voice actor who was the guest of honor just because Anime is still new to me, along with all the voice actors. But, his name was Jerry Jewell and he did the voices of Kyo Sohma in Fruit's Basket (very cute show, I highly recommend it) and Barry the Chopper in Full Metal Alchemist. He also did several other ones that I didn't know just because I haven't watched them yet (or don't really feel like watching: Yu Yu Hakushou for example). I did get his autograph on my program just because I could and I figured "Why not? I'm here aren't I?"
He was a cool guy too. There was a panel that the Anime Con hosts put on where all us fans got to ask him all sorts of questions and he answered them with a laugh and a smile. It was lots of fun. That was the highlight of the whole experience, especially when he started getting requests to do the voices of all the characters he did. Kyo's was especially funny. When a girl asked him to do that, rather shyly, he said (and pardon the language but it's so the character): "Dammit! People always ask me to do that!!" It was so funny! I laughed so hard! It's so Kyo!
For those of you who haven't seen Fruit's Basket, I'll have to show it to you. It's those kind of shows where no matter what episode you watch, or how much of one, you walk away feeling absolutely happy. It's such a cute Anime.
Anywho, so, I did get something from the Con. Unfortunately, they didn't have a good selection of merchandise. In fact, compared to what I was expecting, they really had nothing. Just a bunch of Americanized mainstream Anime action figures and trading cards (like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Gundam Wing) and a lot of Miyazaki merchandise. I was really surprised that they didn't have any Fruit's Basket merchandise or other Anime that Jerry was in. I did get a stuffed Totoro carrying a leaf. It cost a pretty penny, mainly because (according to the saleslady) they have been discontinued in America as well as Japan. Yeah, it was expensive, but I'm glad I got it all the same.
There were a lot of people who were dressed up (the infamous cosplaying that is almost a must at Anime Cons) and once I get the pictures from Kayleigh, I'll post them. There was one girl dressed up as Link. That was cool to see.
Well, I'm done typing now, but before I go and take a short nap: Yup! That quote from my last post is from Hook. Kudos to Lizardbreath and Alex! Er. . .yeah. *leaves*
I didn't really meet and talk to the voice actor who was the guest of honor just because Anime is still new to me, along with all the voice actors. But, his name was Jerry Jewell and he did the voices of Kyo Sohma in Fruit's Basket (very cute show, I highly recommend it) and Barry the Chopper in Full Metal Alchemist. He also did several other ones that I didn't know just because I haven't watched them yet (or don't really feel like watching: Yu Yu Hakushou for example). I did get his autograph on my program just because I could and I figured "Why not? I'm here aren't I?"
He was a cool guy too. There was a panel that the Anime Con hosts put on where all us fans got to ask him all sorts of questions and he answered them with a laugh and a smile. It was lots of fun. That was the highlight of the whole experience, especially when he started getting requests to do the voices of all the characters he did. Kyo's was especially funny. When a girl asked him to do that, rather shyly, he said (and pardon the language but it's so the character): "Dammit! People always ask me to do that!!" It was so funny! I laughed so hard! It's so Kyo!
For those of you who haven't seen Fruit's Basket, I'll have to show it to you. It's those kind of shows where no matter what episode you watch, or how much of one, you walk away feeling absolutely happy. It's such a cute Anime.
Anywho, so, I did get something from the Con. Unfortunately, they didn't have a good selection of merchandise. In fact, compared to what I was expecting, they really had nothing. Just a bunch of Americanized mainstream Anime action figures and trading cards (like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh, and Gundam Wing) and a lot of Miyazaki merchandise. I was really surprised that they didn't have any Fruit's Basket merchandise or other Anime that Jerry was in. I did get a stuffed Totoro carrying a leaf. It cost a pretty penny, mainly because (according to the saleslady) they have been discontinued in America as well as Japan. Yeah, it was expensive, but I'm glad I got it all the same.
There were a lot of people who were dressed up (the infamous cosplaying that is almost a must at Anime Cons) and once I get the pictures from Kayleigh, I'll post them. There was one girl dressed up as Link. That was cool to see.
Well, I'm done typing now, but before I go and take a short nap: Yup! That quote from my last post is from Hook. Kudos to Lizardbreath and Alex! Er. . .yeah. *leaves*
Friday, April 18, 2008
"Lightening has struck my brain"
Does anyone know what movie that's from? I'll give you a clue: AWESOME!!! *wicked cackle*
Anywho, so I was looking at some past assignments from English 2010, and more specifically I was looking over this personal collage I had done. Well, one of the things I had written in this collage was the story of how Samurai came about. It was in this that I had a sudden thought:
According to that (which I remembered to be true) I had started writing my story in March 2004, which means I've only been working on it for four years. I always thought I was five years going onto six, but I'm not. Just four going onto five (but soon to finish!). It was a rather pleasant discovery.
I'm not a hopeless case!
Okay, so I am. I've already chosen two anime series to buy. Which was a very difficult thing to do becuase I still want to buy so many books! Gah! Anime. . .books. . .anime. . .books. *screams and pulls hair*
Okay, so much for that. I'm going to go read now. Winston, take over for me.
BAaah, baah, baaah, baaaaaaah! Baaah! *clicks goat heels together and snorts* Baaah, baah!
Yeah, you do sound like a sheep. . . .
Anywho, so I was looking at some past assignments from English 2010, and more specifically I was looking over this personal collage I had done. Well, one of the things I had written in this collage was the story of how Samurai came about. It was in this that I had a sudden thought:
According to that (which I remembered to be true) I had started writing my story in March 2004, which means I've only been working on it for four years. I always thought I was five years going onto six, but I'm not. Just four going onto five (but soon to finish!). It was a rather pleasant discovery.
I'm not a hopeless case!
Okay, so I am. I've already chosen two anime series to buy. Which was a very difficult thing to do becuase I still want to buy so many books! Gah! Anime. . .books. . .anime. . .books. *screams and pulls hair*
Okay, so much for that. I'm going to go read now. Winston, take over for me.
BAaah, baah, baaah, baaaaaaah! Baaah! *clicks goat heels together and snorts* Baaah, baah!
Yeah, you do sound like a sheep. . . .
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Why I want to be a Marine Biologist
Every so often, I do or attend something dealing with Biology and every single time I walk away just remembering why I wanted to be a Marine Biologist in the first place. Well, today was one of those days.
There was a convocation today and the speaker was a deep-sea explorer by name of Edie Widder. She was so cool! And her presentation: AWESOME!!! She showed all these cool pictures that she herself took on her deep-sea explorations of viperfish, loose-jawed fish, jellies, and squids. She even had some rarely-seen video clips of six-gill sharks (deep-sea dwelling sharks) foraging for food.
Which was really cool. These sharks grow to be 12 feet in length, which is really hard to comprehend in the deep-sea environment where a fish is lucky to get a meal. However, these sharks forage in the sand, swallowing it and blowing it out through their gills and catching sand-dwelling critters for dinner. Dr. Widder had a video clip of that that she showed us. It was so cool!
She was able to get those video clips because she built the Eye-In-The-Sea. Which, for many who don't know, is a camera that sits on the bottom of the sea, with a little jellyfish-like light-up contraption that attracts other deep-sea creatures. Well, it was thanks to this contraption that she was able to discover the foraging techniques of the six-gill shark, and to see a squid that has not been seen before, and therefore has not been categorized in a family. She came up with this idea because the deep-sea submersibles make noise and so they scare away much of the wildlife (which, as she pointed out, is a probable reason why a giant squid has never been seen alive. They've only been found dead, floating on the ocean surface). The Eye-In-The-Sea, being very quiet, will allow scientists to see critters that have not been discovered yet.
It was just so cool. And I loved it. I wish I could get a hold of some of her pictures. They were so cool! And she had a good one of a viperfish (I did a presentation on that fishy in my fish class) and its modified first dorsal fin ray, which it uses as a lure to attract prey. That is why I want to be a marine biologist. I want to dive down into the deep oceans and see aviperfish for myself and other bioluminescent creatures doing their thing. It's just so fascinating. Nature is amazing! Science is amazing!
*sigh* I love this world.
There was a convocation today and the speaker was a deep-sea explorer by name of Edie Widder. She was so cool! And her presentation: AWESOME!!! She showed all these cool pictures that she herself took on her deep-sea explorations of viperfish, loose-jawed fish, jellies, and squids. She even had some rarely-seen video clips of six-gill sharks (deep-sea dwelling sharks) foraging for food.
Which was really cool. These sharks grow to be 12 feet in length, which is really hard to comprehend in the deep-sea environment where a fish is lucky to get a meal. However, these sharks forage in the sand, swallowing it and blowing it out through their gills and catching sand-dwelling critters for dinner. Dr. Widder had a video clip of that that she showed us. It was so cool!
She was able to get those video clips because she built the Eye-In-The-Sea. Which, for many who don't know, is a camera that sits on the bottom of the sea, with a little jellyfish-like light-up contraption that attracts other deep-sea creatures. Well, it was thanks to this contraption that she was able to discover the foraging techniques of the six-gill shark, and to see a squid that has not been seen before, and therefore has not been categorized in a family. She came up with this idea because the deep-sea submersibles make noise and so they scare away much of the wildlife (which, as she pointed out, is a probable reason why a giant squid has never been seen alive. They've only been found dead, floating on the ocean surface). The Eye-In-The-Sea, being very quiet, will allow scientists to see critters that have not been discovered yet.
It was just so cool. And I loved it. I wish I could get a hold of some of her pictures. They were so cool! And she had a good one of a viperfish (I did a presentation on that fishy in my fish class) and its modified first dorsal fin ray, which it uses as a lure to attract prey. That is why I want to be a marine biologist. I want to dive down into the deep oceans and see aviperfish for myself and other bioluminescent creatures doing their thing. It's just so fascinating. Nature is amazing! Science is amazing!
*sigh* I love this world.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Full Metal Alchemist
Thanks to my best buddy Heather, I now have the Full Metal Alchemist soundtrack!
Heather found this picture for me on Deviantart. I don't remember the artists name but its there in isty bisty teeny weeny black letters at the bottom (I very nearly typed "yellow polka-dot bikini"). It makes me happy.
Yeah, I'm a nerd. So, update on my current Anime because I can:
Full Metal Alchemist
The Get Backers (Almost done!! Only two more episodes left!!)
Kino's Journey
Black Cat
I guess School Rumble too, but those four above are more of a priority. I can find school Rumble online. So yeah, that's all folks!
Rupert! Get away from my books! You're going to make them all smelly! Get away! *throws flowers, strawberries, and all matter of pleasant-smelling things at Rupert*

Yeah, I'm a nerd. So, update on my current Anime because I can:
Full Metal Alchemist
The Get Backers (Almost done!! Only two more episodes left!!)
Kino's Journey
Black Cat
I guess School Rumble too, but those four above are more of a priority. I can find school Rumble online. So yeah, that's all folks!
Rupert! Get away from my books! You're going to make them all smelly! Get away! *throws flowers, strawberries, and all matter of pleasant-smelling things at Rupert*
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The white bugs are falling again!
It's April!!! Why is it snowing?!?! Why?!? I thought we were done with that?!? I love the snow and all but I am ready for some rain and thunderstorms!
Did I offend the Gods in some way? Is Ryine angry at me and so Fristine is avenging her hurt feelings? What's going on?!
Francis, go ask Septos what's going on. He's close to Ryine, maybe he will tell us.
*sigh* It's sticking too. Maybe Septos will throw in some lightening with the snow. Hmmm. . .I've never heard of that before: lighting snowstorm. That sounds kinda cool. . .I'll have to remember that. . .throw it in a story somehow. . .that would be cool.
Blah, it's that time again! Off to class. Fishies!!!
Did I offend the Gods in some way? Is Ryine angry at me and so Fristine is avenging her hurt feelings? What's going on?!
Francis, go ask Septos what's going on. He's close to Ryine, maybe he will tell us.
*sigh* It's sticking too. Maybe Septos will throw in some lightening with the snow. Hmmm. . .I've never heard of that before: lighting snowstorm. That sounds kinda cool. . .I'll have to remember that. . .throw it in a story somehow. . .that would be cool.
Blah, it's that time again! Off to class. Fishies!!!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
While listening to General Conference, I decided to check out the humorscopes for today. There were so many funny ones that I just wanted to share my favorites with all my good friends:
Ares- Once you're that far behind, there's really no way to get caught up. You might as well do something fun instead. You can tell them I told you it was ok.
Leo- You will be on your way downtown today, when you will be struck by an odd thought. Fortunately it will bounce harmlessly off you.
Libra- Your cat will go thundering past you on the linoleum, but will miss the doorway by an inch or so. You will hear an odd "ping!" sound as her head hits the doorjamb. No harm will be done.
Sagittarius- Today you will rush around in a tizzy. It will be sort of fun, actually, since the tizzy handles well, and has more than enough power to make an exciting ride.
Capricorn- Someone will ask you for your advice. Don't give it! Or if they insist, simply shake your head solemnly, and mutter "Much bad juju", and refuse to clarify. They only want a scapegoat.
Aquarius- Your ancestors were berserkers -- feared warriors who attacked without fear or common sense. You will soon enter the same state of mind, and when you finally "snap out of it", you will find an enormous pile of peeled potatoes and family members edging towards the door.
Pisces- Nothing unusual today. Unless you count that episode with the iguana...
Okay, so practically all the humorscopes today were awesome.
What was that Winston? You want advice on how to burn the dictionary? Advice bad juju, Winston! Go burn the mathbook instead.
Have a good Sunday everyone!
Ares- Once you're that far behind, there's really no way to get caught up. You might as well do something fun instead. You can tell them I told you it was ok.
Leo- You will be on your way downtown today, when you will be struck by an odd thought. Fortunately it will bounce harmlessly off you.
Libra- Your cat will go thundering past you on the linoleum, but will miss the doorway by an inch or so. You will hear an odd "ping!" sound as her head hits the doorjamb. No harm will be done.
Sagittarius- Today you will rush around in a tizzy. It will be sort of fun, actually, since the tizzy handles well, and has more than enough power to make an exciting ride.
Capricorn- Someone will ask you for your advice. Don't give it! Or if they insist, simply shake your head solemnly, and mutter "Much bad juju", and refuse to clarify. They only want a scapegoat.
Aquarius- Your ancestors were berserkers -- feared warriors who attacked without fear or common sense. You will soon enter the same state of mind, and when you finally "snap out of it", you will find an enormous pile of peeled potatoes and family members edging towards the door.
Pisces- Nothing unusual today. Unless you count that episode with the iguana...
Okay, so practically all the humorscopes today were awesome.
What was that Winston? You want advice on how to burn the dictionary? Advice bad juju, Winston! Go burn the mathbook instead.
Have a good Sunday everyone!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Beware Angry Bloggers
Screw the tires!!!!
Seriously, I swear Squirjee is a screw magnet. I got another screw in the tire again! This time, it had a washer (I think that's what it is. It's the flat thing that normally the screw goes into to help hold things together) so my tire didn't go flat immediately, but it was enough that I need a new tire.
Unfortunately, they didn't have any tires in stock that were cheap. The cheapest was $114 and if it wasn't for Chris being there to help me out, I may have bought it. Though, I can't be sure and now that I think about it I probably wouldn't have. I can be a blonde sometimes but that much for one tire. . .yeah, I wouldn't have done it. Forget that last sentence. . . .But, the earliest Big-O is going to get the tire-size I need will be Tuesday. Until then, Chris is letting me borrow his car to go to work, which brings me to a much happier note. . .
My last day is actually Thursday next week! There wasn't enough labor money for my manager to schedule a lot of people and she asked me if I would be offended if she only scheduled me for one day. I told her I wasn't, so Thursday is my last day! Which means I only have three more days of work! I am so happy!
Well, I'm going to go read some more because books=happiness and I could use a little more happiness right now. Have a, er, good day!
Seriously, I swear Squirjee is a screw magnet. I got another screw in the tire again! This time, it had a washer (I think that's what it is. It's the flat thing that normally the screw goes into to help hold things together) so my tire didn't go flat immediately, but it was enough that I need a new tire.
Unfortunately, they didn't have any tires in stock that were cheap. The cheapest was $114 and if it wasn't for Chris being there to help me out, I may have bought it. Though, I can't be sure and now that I think about it I probably wouldn't have. I can be a blonde sometimes but that much for one tire. . .yeah, I wouldn't have done it. Forget that last sentence. . . .But, the earliest Big-O is going to get the tire-size I need will be Tuesday. Until then, Chris is letting me borrow his car to go to work, which brings me to a much happier note. . .
My last day is actually Thursday next week! There wasn't enough labor money for my manager to schedule a lot of people and she asked me if I would be offended if she only scheduled me for one day. I told her I wasn't, so Thursday is my last day! Which means I only have three more days of work! I am so happy!
Well, I'm going to go read some more because books=happiness and I could use a little more happiness right now. Have a, er, good day!
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