Does anyone know what movie that's from? I'll give you a clue: AWESOME!!! *wicked cackle*
Anywho, so I was looking at some past assignments from English 2010, and more specifically I was looking over this personal collage I had done. Well, one of the things I had written in this collage was the story of how Samurai came about. It was in this that I had a sudden thought:
According to that (which I remembered to be true) I had started writing my story in March 2004, which means I've only been working on it for four years. I always thought I was five years going onto six, but I'm not. Just four going onto five (but soon to finish!). It was a rather pleasant discovery.
I'm not a hopeless case!
Okay, so I am. I've already chosen two anime series to buy. Which was a very difficult thing to do becuase I still want to buy so many books! Gah! Anime. . .books. . .anime. . .books. *screams and pulls hair*
Okay, so much for that. I'm going to go read now. Winston, take over for me.
BAaah, baah, baaah, baaaaaaah! Baaah! *clicks goat heels together and snorts* Baaah, baah!
Yeah, you do sound like a sheep. . . .
It's from Hook, I think.
Am I right? Do I win the PRIZE?
(Also, when you wrote 'English 2010,' I thought at first it was English in the year 2010, or an English class from the NEAR FUTURE. Holy hecka sweet.)
Anime has consumed your SOUL!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!!
Okay, enough of that...I have no idea what movie the quote is from, so I guess I'll go with the general consensus and say...Hook? (Wow, I haven't seen that movie in years. Now I want to watch it)
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