Friday, April 18, 2008

"Lightening has struck my brain"

Does anyone know what movie that's from? I'll give you a clue: AWESOME!!! *wicked cackle*

Anywho, so I was looking at some past assignments from English 2010, and more specifically I was looking over this personal collage I had done. Well, one of the things I had written in this collage was the story of how Samurai came about. It was in this that I had a sudden thought:

According to that (which I remembered to be true) I had started writing my story in March 2004, which means I've only been working on it for four years. I always thought I was five years going onto six, but I'm not. Just four going onto five (but soon to finish!). It was a rather pleasant discovery.

I'm not a hopeless case!

Okay, so I am. I've already chosen two anime series to buy. Which was a very difficult thing to do becuase I still want to buy so many books! Gah! Anime. . .books. . .anime. . .books. *screams and pulls hair*

Okay, so much for that. I'm going to go read now. Winston, take over for me.

BAaah, baah, baaah, baaaaaaah! Baaah! *clicks goat heels together and snorts* Baaah, baah!

Yeah, you do sound like a sheep. . . .


Lizardbreath McGee said...

It's from Hook, I think.

Am I right? Do I win the PRIZE?

(Also, when you wrote 'English 2010,' I thought at first it was English in the year 2010, or an English class from the NEAR FUTURE. Holy hecka sweet.)

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NinjaPirate Kayleigh said...

Anime has consumed your SOUL!!! MWAHAHAHA!!!!!
Okay, enough of that...I have no idea what movie the quote is from, so I guess I'll go with the general consensus and say...Hook? (Wow, I haven't seen that movie in years. Now I want to watch it)