Do coconuts migrate? They do in Cedar City! And specifically in the hands of myself, Alex, Kayleigh, and Nena.
You see, one coconut last night at 8:00 pm migrated from Wal-Mart, to our apartment, and then to the roof of the science building where it committed suicide with a resounding SPLAT! on the sidewalk below.
Yup, we threw a coconut off the science building.
It was awesome! We didn't drain any of milk out so when it went SPLAT! it went SPLAT! It was awesome! We decided that it will be a yearly event to celebrate the ending of one year of school.
Don't worry, we're currently in the process of separating coconut meat from shell, drenching it in sugar and then roasting it. We roasted some yesterday, and it was gu-ud!
Rupert! Winston! That is not a coconut! That's a watermelon! We won't be able to cover our tracks as well with that! No! Stop!
LOL! I want to throw a coconut off a science building!!! That sounds like so much fun. Except I'm not really a fan of coconut right out of the shell though. But I guess if you roasted it with sugar...
hmm...I'll consider it for future purposes.
You forgot to mention the one that Rodney punched to death! XD
The remains of both of them are still on the sidewalk!
And yes, we are awesome. ;)
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